Chapter 6: Vacation Day

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The first semester had passed since the fight with Ann and rescuing Yo; the rest of the time was spent with the twins scolding Zeref and Jared tagging along in the group of friends. Of course, Jared kept on teasing Zeref about what happened in their past, and he got along perfectly with the twins too. Their first day of spring break had started with Ei throwing water at Zeref's face; he immediately woke up and fell in the floor from the scare. "Come on, we're going to the beach today!" said Ei as she threw a swimsuit at Zeref; though he groaned and didn't move at all. Yo had then appeared with a water bucket with ice in it and threw it at Zeref. He quickly jumped up and went to the bathroom while Ei and Yo were giving each other high fives. They all had gotten ready; when opening the door they saw Jared waving. Zeref quickly got chills on his back and hid behind Ei. "Oh, come on Zeref, we've been over this a million time already." said Jared as he pulled Zeref away from the twins, "I would never try to make a move on you when the girls are around, so I would be careful where you head off alone if I were you." Zeref quickly gave a face to the twins asking for help but the twins just stood there gossiping. He blushed a bit looking embarrassed when one of the neighbors were looking at the commotion. "Can we please go now?", asked Zeref, covering his face with his shirt. Jared kissed Zeref's cheek and everyone looked shocked at what had happened before their very eyes. Ei kicked Jared into a bush as her face slowly turned red. "I didn't expect that to come from you, Ei." said Zeref a bit relieved; but Ei completely ignored him and walked ahead of everyone. "We're going to be late for the bus if we don't hurry now." said Ei as Yo followed behind. Zeref helped Jared out of the bush and took the leaves off his hair. "I'm sorry, I really didn't expect Ei to do that." said Zeref.
"It's okay, she just let her emotions get the best of her." responded Jared cheery.
"Haiku, you're the same, except you tease me every time and I hate it."
"That's what's fun about it." And with that response Zeref continued to have chills on his back; he then continued to run away from Jared.

They reached the bus and the ride seemed to be longer than they expected. Yo and Jared were together while Ei and Zeref were together; and they both seemed to be sleeping and were facing opposite sides of each other. "They both seem perfect for each other seeing as they're both lazy." said Jared to Yo.
"Yeah, and he's grown so attached to her that he would even risk his own life just to save her's. A shame really, since I can't allow them to end together; or else they could bring total chaos." responded Yo sounding a bit disappointed. Jared taken out some lollipops and put them in Zeref's mouth. "What are you doing that for?" asked Yo. "Because it's fun and this ride is growing to be boring." responded Jared as he kept on putting lollipops in Zeref's mouth. Jared was suddenly pulled back and Yo hugged his arm; "What's this about?", asked Jared with a bit of stuttering; but Yo was already asleep and kept on hugging Jared's arm like a teddy bear. He sighed and looked out the window, looking bored and not knowing what else to do.

After the long trip, they finally arrived at the beach and the heat couldn't be anymore hotter. Ei and Zeref had woken up at the same time while Yo and Jared were already leaving the bus. Zeref and Ei quickly got up, Zeref had then noticed that he had a bunch of lollipops in his mouth and quickly spat them out. He looked angry and got off the bus, spotting Jared first, he knew that it was him. He chased Jared around with the lollipops in his hands and didn't seem very happy at all. "You both didn't seem to have a good enough rest last night." said Yo cheerfully. "Well it's all Zeref's fault for coming into my room last and totally caught me off guard, so I couldn't just resist it." said Ei. Yo seemed very shocked and angry at the same time; she quickly looked at Zeref and started chasing him around too. "Did I say something wrong?" asked Ei confused. A fight later, they all calmed down and set up their things down. The twins had gotten into their swimsuits and Yo quickly ran off into the water. Ei had sat down on one of the chairs under the umbrella and looked at the water. Zeref couldn't seem to concentrate on what he was doing and forgot what he had to do. "Hey, is your nose okay?" asked Jared as he sat down on a chair. Zeref checked his nose and noticed that he was bleeding through his nose; he wondered for a second why when it finally hit him. "Yeah, I'm okay.", said Zeref, "I just don't think I'm used to being in this type of place, that's all."
"More like he's never seen so many women in bathing suits, that he had a nosebleed because of it.", added Ei. "Oh wow, I knew you were that type of guy, but I didn't know you'd stoop this low." said Jared not sounding surprised at all. Zeref hit Jared in the head with a red face and they both argued on. Ei ignored them as much as possible and kept an eye on Yo. Zeref then saw Ei and wondered why she wasn't going to the water. "Hey, what's wrong?" asked Zeref as he gently pushed Jared away with his hand. "I don't like being in the beach." said Ei. Water was suddenly poured all over Ei and it didn't seem to be the guys who did it. She looked over to see who it was and saw Ann with a bucket, chuckling at her. They all seemed surprised that she was even still around; and behind was Yo eating a lollipop. "You're not suppose to be here in a bathing suit!" said Zeref cleaning his nose from all the bleeding again. "Well, I'm working right now so it's not like I want to be here." said Ann annoyed. "Well, if you work here, then Zeref looks like he wants your service." said Jared, pointing at Zeref's nosebleed. "Wait, you live in the spirit world; so why are you looking for money here?" asked Zeref, looking suspicious at Ann. "Didn't you hear?", said Ann, "The portal for the spirit world mysteriously closed and now that us spirits don't have enough power; without the spirit world to give us power, we can't open the spirit world ourselves. And so I came here because a lot of the evil spirits managed to come to this world and are now slowly terrorizing the people here; and they're looking for the power of the Yin Yang sisters." Yo had suddenly burned the lollipop and Ei had broken one of the chairs. "Well, it looks like the twins don't seem happy about that." said Zeref as he took the chairs away from Ei. The twins had then weirdly turned to their normal mood. "Come on, guys!" said Yo, "We can't waste today all on sleeping and eating. Let's have fun!" She then ran off with Ei following behind.

"That was super suspicious, don't you think?" asked Jared as he put the chairs back where they were. "They're definitely trying to hide something." said Zeref. "And it looks like they don't want anyone to know how they feel about it.", added Ann. Zeref was suddenly shirtless and ran after the twins, while Jared got a random nosebleed. "That spirit is unbelievable." said Ann blushing a bit and covering her face embarrassed. "Hey, Miss Ann.", said Jared, "Are you working for a client?"
"No. Why?" asked Ann; and Jared explained everything to her about what was going on with him. Ann seemed a bit shocked but accepted his deal; and from there, Jared became Ann's client. While that happened, Yo played around in the water with Ei, and Zeref floated around in the water. He looked at the clouds and raised his hand as if he was trying to grab them. Ei jumped on top of him and ended up in a bubble slowly falling deep in the water. "What's this all about?" asked Zeref, almost falling asleep. "Do you sense that people are watching us too?" asked Ei as she pointed up; there seemed to be a drone flying by. "We can't use our powers whenever we want anymore. We have to be careful." added Zeref. The bubble floated up to the surface and popped instantly. They then ignored the drone and kept on with the rest of the day normally.

Sunset had then come, and the group decided to spend the night at a motel. They set their stuff down and all took turns in using the bathroom; they all finished soon enough and couldn't decided one thing for awhile. "It's obvious that us girls are going to sleep together and you boys go to the other bed." said Ei
"But if I sleep with Haiku, he'll start acting all creepy and you know I don't like that." added Zeref. "Fine, then I guess Jared will sleep with and I'll sleep with you.", said Yo, "But right now I need to do something in the lobby. Come join me, Haiku, if you don't mind."
"Of course I don't." responded Jared; and they both left Zeref and Ei alone. They both faced opposite sides of each other and they kept quiet for awhile. "You sure seem quiet compared to just awhile ago." said Zeref.
"So do you." responded Ei.
"Are you scared that I'm gonna do something to you, or what?"
"No, it's not that. It's just that when we first met, you said you had to find your future wife for you to be heir of your clan; but I never saw you making an effort to search for one."
"Well, that's because I didn't have to look far and I'm just waiting for the right moment to ask her." Zeref appeared in front of Ei out of nowhere and got close to her face. "You seem to have a bit of a fever, so don't get too close to me or I'll get sick too." added Zeref covering Ei's mouth. Ei bit his hand and looked annoyed; "I'll get you sick whenever I want to!" said Ei annoyed. Zeref had then pinned her to the bed and grinned; "Spirits can't get sick, genius." said Zeref. The one problem they then had is that they didn't notice that Yo and Jared had arrived a while ago and were watching them the whole time; everything seemed very uncomfortable to them after the other two saw them together like that. Yo hit Zeref with a shoe and cursed at him for half an hour; she also kept on hitting him with a shoe. After that, it was definitely confirmed that Ei will sleep with Yo and the boys would sleep together. Zeref felt creeped out the rest of the night and couldn't sleep all that much; they had all then fallen asleep, and well Zeref at least tried.

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