Chapter 9: The Struggle of Admitting

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    Ei had woken up the very next day and Yo was already awake. She was brushing her hair as she hummed a tune; her horns seemed to get in the way though. Ei touched her horns and her wings; she also looked at her eyes in a mirror. Yo then looked at Ei disappointed. "This is all your fault." said Yo, "I wish you were never born!" Ei widened her eyes and suddenly fell into a dark abyss. She turned into a child and her spirit form disappeared. She seemed to be in a small village with people going on to their lifestyle. A child version of Yo had then appeared behind Ei; she smiled as she hugged Ei. "You seem out of it today." said Yo, "It's not your fault that all those people died."
"I know." responded Ei as she stood and started running away. "Why the hell am I here?" asked Ei. Water then started surrounding her as she saw people slowly dying one by one. "Stop! It's not my fault!" exclaimed Ei. Zeref then walked up to her and stabbed her with a sword. "You're so worthless that you get scared of a stupid kiss." said Zeref. Blood started coming out of Ei's mouth as she fell onto the floor. She was being kicked repeatedly by everyone she knows; she eventually started falling into the dark abyss again.

She quickly sat up hitting her forehead with Zeref's. "Hey, it's just me!" said Zeref as he quickly backed up. Ei realized that she was back to reality and her face was filled with tears. She hugged Zeref as she continued crying. "I'm guessing that you didn't have a great dream then?" asked Zeref. Ei nodded and wiped her tears away. "Why do you look like you didn't sleep at all?" asked Ei as she pointed to a mirror. Zeref looked at the mirror and quickly covered his eyes. "It's nothing, I'm fine." answered Zeref, "Yo is downstairs with my mother. They made food for you too cause you seemed to have a fever earlier." Zeref went to the door when he was stopped by Ei. "I'm sorry I slapped you the other day when you kissed me! It was all my fault for being afraid of something stupid like that!" said Ei as she turned turned a bit red. "You should really get ready to head downstairs now." said Zeref as he put on a smile and continued walking away. Ei looked confused and felt embarrassed after saying that. Zeref on the other hand, hid behind a wall and covered his face. "If you keep acting like that, she'll always be afraid of you." said Yo as she walked up to Zeref with a basket full of clothes, "She's scared of new experiences like that and you're making it worse. You should just tell her how you feel about the whole situation and then she won't be so afraid. It's the least you could do." Yo then walked away, going back to whatever she was doing.

After that happened, they all gathered to eat; everything was awkward with all the silence. Enna looked annoyed and hit the table with her first; everyone jumped and Zeref fell to the floor. "You people really are teenagers because of the way you act!" yelled Enna, "Go outside and hang out until you can all get along again!" The twins and Zeref quickly went outside and walked around the town. It was still completely quiet; Zeref and Ei just looked complete opposite sides of each other. Yo started to get annoyed too and left the others alone. "It's kind of funny how this turned very awkward and I don't even know why." said Zeref. Ei didn't even answer and just kept looking away. Zeref started thinking about what Yo said to him and shook his head. "I know that Yo might be right, but I don't want to risk anything." thought Zeref, "But if I don't say anything about it, she might be too afraid to even talk to me ever again. What do I do?"  Ei suddenly stops walking and looks at Zeref. He looks back at her when he falls to the floor; there was a puddle full of mud right in their path. "I totally meant to do that." said Zeref. Ei laughed as she helped him up. He couldn't believe that Ei was actually laughing and smiling. "I want to show you something." said Zeref as he walked away. Ei stopped laughing and followed behind.

He went up to a small hill and sat on a rock. When Ei arrived she saw that he lead her to a river that seemed to glow. "It's pretty cool, isn't it?" asked Zeref, "What's making the river glow is an algae that somehow does that." Ei sat next to Zeref and looked at the river with intent. "Why did you bring me here?" asked Ei, "I caused you so much trouble and I'm willing to bet that you hate me for that. You won't even touch me because I freaked out over nothing." Ei was suddenly pushed into the water. She looked at Zeref annoyed and pulled him in. "Are you that mad that pushed you in here?" asked Zeref teasing her. "Well, my butt hurts now because of you, idiot!" answered Ei. Zeref hugged Ei and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry I caused you any trouble." said Zeref. They both then realized that Yo was watching the whole time; she doesn't look too amused. She took Zeref out of the water and hit him repeatedly, cursing at him.

They then arrived back to Zeref's house and Enna looked a bit confused. "You know, I only said to get along, not to get messy." said Enna, "Please, go get washed up. This sight is not pretty." The twins and Zeref headed to the bathrooms; Zeref went to his own bathroom if you were asking about that. Yo brushed Ei's hair that seemed to be tangled a lot. And every time Yo took a break from the tangled hair, it would appear as if it was never even touched. "I'm sorry that I'm being a bother." said Ei as she looked down. Yo hit Ei's head gently and smiled as if nothing was wrong. "You're never a bother to me, if you think that's true." said Yo. "I have an idea. I'll do a braid so that way you'll feel special and I'll easily be able to find because of your beautiful hair." "Please don't say stuff like that again; it's embarrassing." said Ei covering her face. Zeref suddenly fell into the twins' bathroom and Enna was behind him; she looked annoyed at him. "I'm sorry, ladies." said Enna. "I saw this fool eavesdropping when I was going to bring some spare clothes to you both." "Hey now," said Zeref, "I was just making sure those servants don't peek in what was going on here." Enna looked even more annoyed and angry at Zeref and hit his head. She grabbed Zeref's legs and dragged him away. "Oh, the clothes I brought are on your beds." said Enna as she left the room. The twins just stood there, questioning what had just happened. They then looked at their clothes and they both seemed to be dresses; Ei's dress was white with black stripes that seemed to reveal her shoulders and Yo's was pink that kind of looked like overalls and a white shirt. "I'm not sure I'm comfortable wearing a dress." said Ei. "Well, I for one like wearing a dress." responded Yo; she already had her new clothes on by the time Ei looked at her. Ei tapped Yo's forehead and got finally got dressed.

They went on downstairs and everyone seemed to act weird. They all stood there and their faces were wary. Zeref looked at the main entrance with two fireballs by his side. A sword suddenly pierced Zeref in the stomach and the force threw him across another room. The sword was being wielded by someone with wings of angels; they had long, dark red, hair with a bit blonde in the ends of it. "Zeref Troya!" said the attacker, "You have been accused of murdering a spirit guardian in safe territory!" Ei and Yo didn't know what they meant by "spirit guardian", but they definitely knew what the word "murdering" meant. The person with the angel wings then looked at the twins and looked surprised at them. "You two shouldn't be in the spirit world." said the person, sounding a bit worried. Ei then looked closer and realized that the person with the angel wings was Ann the whole time. "Why are you taking Zeref away?" asked Ei hesitantly. "I already said that he murdered a spirit guardian, didn't I?" answered Ann. "I don't even know what a spirit guardian is, dumbo." "You're such a bother. Spirit guardians are angels and demons. Compared to us, they're considered to be part of high society. And they're way more powerful than spirits." Zeref stood up and a dark aura was shining in his wound. Ann took out two hoops that looked like halos and threw them at Zeref; putting his hands in shackles. Ei showed an expression mixed with fear and anger, clenching her fist. Yo grabbed her shoulder and shook her head, telling Ei to not do it. "This conversation was interesting, but I have to take him away now." said Ann as she dragged Zeref out; disappearing from everyone's view. Ei looked at everyone and they all didn't dare to step up to Ann; their faces showed fear and sadness. "You're all cowards!" yelled Ei as she ran out with tears in her eyes. Yo followed behind; trying to stop her.

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