Chapter 11: Fight Until The Bitter End

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 Ann felt fear crawling down her spine as she looked at Ei's grim eyes. "This is my last warning," said Ei, "return Zeref to me." Ann tried to speak up, but more fear made its way in, and the guards were shaking from head to toe. Zeref grabbed Ann's shoulder and pulled her into his arms as he said "Now, I may hate this girl, but she healed my wounds and said things that I wouldn't even want to think about." Ei clenched her fists without saying a word and smiled. "I'm glad you're safe." said Ei as she stretched out her hand. Zeref held on tight to Ann and refused to grab Ei's hand. A large stream of water suddenly grabbed Zeref, with him still holding on tight to Ann, and brought him towards Ei. A bell tolled with its echoes running in everyone's ears, and guards appeared from every corner, surrounding Ei. She then noticed that Yo was standing with the guards looking at her a bit disappointed. "I thought that you would do good by not causing trouble, but I was wrong." said Yo. "I'm sorry, but they're making me fight you because apparently you're losing control of yourself. So, I'll do as I'm told to make you realize that." A bow and arrow made of white flames appeared in Yo's hands as she pointed them at Ei.

"You're going to kill me?", asked Ei as she let out a scoff, "You killing me would be like mercy!" Yo had no reaction to Ei's response on the outside, but on the inside she felt guilty as if she had created some kind of monster. Ann poked Zeref's shoulder and whispered to him "You know what I have to do."

Zeref didn't say anything for a few seconds until he chuckled and said "That's funny coming from someone that didn't even manage to kill me."

"Excuse me?", asked Ann. "I almost did kill you but that wasn't my main focus at the moment, and my focus is now set on getting rid of someone who's becoming a monster!"

"But I'm a monster too so maybe you should focus on me more.", said Zeref as blue flames started appearing on his hands. Ann gnashed her teeth, hence, she lost her patience and struck a punch at him.

As that was happening, half of the guards were already down and the other half were barely standing. Ei was laughing at the fallen down whilst Yo checked to see if the fallen guards were even still alive. "Ei. . . you just slaughtered a bunch of innocent spirits.", said Yo as a grim look came upon her face. "Oopsie.", responded Ei as she shrugged it off. Shadows then started appearing around all of them, and they seemed to be taking Ei's form. Once they took full form, they all scattered around. Yo turned and turned to try and find the real Ei, but them running in circles soon made her dizzy. Four then came running at her and held her up by her arms and legs. Yo then started to feel as if her arms and legs were being torn apart from her slowly. "Please, just stop and then will go back to normal!", yelled Yo as white flames suddenly burst all around her, and all the clones that were shadows disappeared except for one. This one was the real Ei. A slight grin came upon Ei's face when asking "Who's this Ei person you're calling out?"

Yo widened her eyes as she tried to process what Ei had just asked her. She suddenly felt a bit of rage and sadness overwhelmed her and struck a punch with her flames, but the Ei that she punched seemed to be a clone. A hard kick suddenly came up her back and she fell head first to the ground. Yo felt something putting pressure on her back. "What the..?", she started to say but she was cut off by more pressure. "Ei, stop it!", Zeref looked away from his fight to see Ei standing over Yo. Chains flew around Zeref and then tied him to the ground. "Don't underestimate your opponent.", Ann said, holding a sword to Zeref's throat.

Meanwhile, Yo swung her leg around knocking Ei to the ground. Ei quickly stood up to a defensive pose. "Please just snap back to reality already!", exclaimed Yo. "Everyone's okay!"

Ei didn't answer and suddenly kicked Yo in the shin knocking her onto her knees. Ei crouched down to Yo's level as an evil grin grew upon her face. "So?", she asked in a smug manner. Zeref walked over from where Ann lay against the wall. "Ei, you need to stop.", he said in a stone cold tone. "Oh? Happy you could finally join us." she returned in an evil manner.

"Oh, so you did miss me?", Zeref asked jokingly. "You must have a little crush on me too if you're going this far to protect me."

He winked as his blue flames started to appear in his hands, he also seemed to keep his eyes on Yo since he noticed something strange about her. That's when he suddenly realized that blood was coming out from Yo's side. For some reason, he couldn't stop staring at the blood; as if he enjoyed watching it. He soon snapped out of his senses and ran towards her to help her. "Hey, I know we're supposed to be rivals and all but this is going a bit far!", exclaimed Zeref with a worried tone. Yo lightly chuckled and coughed up a bit of blood. "Sorry," she said, "I guess I'm just selfish."

Yo's eyes slowly started to close and Zeref and Ei stared in silence, until Zeref gently laid her down on the ground. A chuckle then came out of Ei's lips as she walked closer to now dead sister. "How are you laughing?" Zeref asked in an mad tone.

A smack was then heard in the halls, making the silence break. Ei's cheek was red and a bit burnt from the slap that she had just received. "If that doesn't bring you to your senses, I don't know what will.", said Zeref. "I'm disappointed."

A glint of life and normality had then come to Ei's eyes. She looked around her in silence, until she saw her only family lying on the ground. The scream of terror that came out of her lips could be heard from a great mile away. She kneeled down to touch her sister's cheek, and Ei's tears landed on it. Something then felt strange for Ei; she felt as if she had more power inside her. Half of her hair slowly started to turn white. It was almost as if she was absorbing her sister's power. "W-who did this..?", sobbed Ei.

"That was you.", answered Zeref. "You lost control and did everything that you see now. Including the slaughter of the guards."

He felt guilty telling her what had happened, but he knew that it had to be done. Zeref placed his hand on Ei's shoulder, but she quickly smacked it away and crawled away.

"Don't touch me...", mumbled Ei. "I'm a monster and I might end up killing you too."

Zeref didn't listen and walked a step closer to her. White flames then blinded him and before he could even realize it, Ei was completely gone out of sight.

"Ei?!", exclaimed Zeref as he looked around for her. Realizing what happened, Zeref carried Yo's dead corpse and walked outside. When he walked outside, half the town was destroyed and up in flames.

"What the hell happened?", he thought to himself.

The evil and good spirits were attacking each other and even killing each other. That's when he realized that a spirit war had come right before his eyes.

         To Be Continued

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