Chapter 10: Signs of a War

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Ei had then realized at that moment that she had wings and could try to fly. She flapped her wings as she jumped to give herself a boost, but she kept on falling in her attempts. By the time she reached her seventh attempt, she was finally flying high up. Then she was suddenly pulled down by something heavy on her back; it was Yo that didn't seem to be in a good mood by the look of her face. "Let him go!" yelled Yo, "He was never that important anyway; bothering our lives with trouble that didn't even involve us!"                                                                                             "What are you trying to say?" asked Ei in anger, "That we should abandon him after he's actually helped us in our lives?"                                                                                                                                                   "If you go, I can't be by your side to defend you."                                                                                        "Then let it be that way.", responded Ei as she pushed Yo away and continued running. Yo watched her for the first time run to face the problems up ahead; even if it wasn't her problem. Ei jumped and flew high up; faster than before.

She hadn't looked back at anything and without even realizing it, she was on the other side with the good spirits. The atmosphere was definitely different from the one she was already used to. Everything was more bright and colorful with a happy mood put into it. She didn't really like all the sunshine, but she didn't care so much about that at that moment. She felt as if she knew where to go and wondered why.

After running for awhile, she started to see other people walking around; it was obvious that she was in a town. Ei avoided everyone as much as she could, since she didn't want to cause a scene. She then saw two guards with silver and gold armour, with spears, and she followed them, and eventually tripped because of her loose shoelaces. The guards looked at her; looking terrified, they blew a whistle and pointed their spears at her. More and more guards slowly came, only to hold Ei down. Ei struggled, but only managed to flap her wings; which caused the guards to overreact a bit. "Can you please let me go?" asked Ei frantic. "I'm trying to find someone!"                                                                                                                                                                                                         Water had suddenly covered Ei; it flowed so fast that it would burn your hand if you touched it. Ei grinned; standing up as she prepared her fists. The guards quickly stood back and prepared themselves for who knows what.

While that was happening, Zeref was being dragged by two guards, still bleeding from his injury that Ann had made him. Ann walked behind them and looked at Zeref's tail. She seemed curious and stepped on it, making Zeref light on fire for only a second. He didn't seem to wake up at all though. "I wonder what he's thinking about." said Ann. "Maybe he's thinking about what happened to him in the past." Suddenly Zeref slowly opened his eyes, but didn't dare to move at all. He started remembering things that he wanted to forget as he looked at his surroundings, and he closed his eyes forcefully. Zeref started to see himself with white hair, crying and cackling as if his mind was turning insane, and he had blood all over him. Zeref looked terrified at what he had turned into and started shaking. Ann and the guards looked confused, but wary of what could happen if he lost his control; and they all stopped to look at him. Ann stood in front of him and raised his head head a bit; tears started falling down Zeref's eyes. She hugged him and Zeref's injury slowly started to heal."We may be enemies," said Ann, "but I am not someone who can watch a being in sorrow while they are slowly losing their mind." Zeref quickly started to calm and stood up. The guards grabbed him and continued to walk to their destination. Zeref didn't even think of where he was being taken to. His question was quickly answered when they were facing a giant door that sparked with gold. As they went through the giant door they saw six spirit guardians that stood before them. Zeref had a bad feeling when he saw the spirit guardians; especially when three of them were demons. "Alright guards, you may let go of him." said Ann. The guards did as they were told and stood next to the giant door, while Ann stood next to the spirit guardians. "I'm guessing that know why you were sent here, young Zeref." said one of the spirit guardians as they spread their wings. Zeref looked down on the floor, not saying anything at all. When finally he spoke up saying "If you think it was me, then you're wrong. I wouldn't even lay a finger on a spirit guardian unless I was looking for mischief. You may try all you want to put the blame on me, but I promise you that you will be foiled in your attempts." The angels looked at Zeref a bit shocked, while the demons seemed proud and satisfied.

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