Truth or Dare

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No one's POV

"Beck, your turn" Tori states as she sits back down on the floor, making a circle with her friends. All of them are here. Cat, Robbie, Andre, Tori, Beck... well, and if you have Beck, you get Jade. Even Trina is here, which is beyond weird, because they don't let her hang out with them.
Beck nods his head and turns around to look at Robbie.
"Truth or dare, Rob?" He asks blankly. The curly-haired boy rubs his hands and makes his eyes fly all over his friends, creating suspense.
"Come ON!" Jade yells, causing the boy to jump and move farther from her. She rolls her eyes and Beck places a hand over her, interlacing their fingers.
"Ok, I'll pick dare" he says. Beck thinks of the dare and then spills it out: "You gotta kiss Cat" he states.
Robbie gives him a dead look while Jade squeezes his hands, letting him know he played well.
Cat jumps slightly and follows Robbie with her glance. He approaches the little red-haired and leans down to place a peck on her lips.
"That's what you call a kiss? It's such an embarrassment", Jade says bitchily. Beck eyes her and brings her closer to him, making her rest her head over his shoulder to whisper in her ear:
"Be nice, baby, these are our friends. You're not supposed to be mean to me" Beck says almost with no voice.
"I'll be mean to whoever I want to. You should already know that, babe" she answers back. Beck rolls his eyes and lets her stay over him.
By the moment they come back to listening to the game, Andre has already picked truth. He has to say who was his first and then it's Jade's turn.
"Truth or dare, Jade?" Andre asks her from the distance. She bites her lip while getting away from Beck's embrace and she answers with a simple "truth". "Ok, then... was Beck your first?"
Her eyes widen as much as possible and Beck has to rub her back to calm her down and for her not to stand up and hit Andre.
"Of course he was!" she mumbles, looking angry.
"So you have sex..." Trina says in a whisper. All the glances are over her now. She holds her hands up and they come back to the game.
"Cat, truth or dare?" Jade asks her.
The game comes back to Beck, who is being asked by Tori. He thought of making things get interesting and picked "dare".
"You gotta kiss Jade in the place of her body that turns her on the most" Tori states while smirking. Jade's angry look hits her, but she looks away and rushes Beck to do the dare.
He looks at Jade and she nods without anyone else noticing, just him. He moves closer to her and gets his fingers up to the straps of her shirt. He pulls them down, showing the skin of her cleavage, followed by their friends' amazed looks. She leans down slightly and he goes little by little, approaching her breasts. And he kisses her left boob, over the heart area, and goes from there to her shoulder, passing through her collarbone, sending shivers down her spine.
When his lips leave her skin, she opens her eyes and sees Robbie, Andre, Trina, Cat and Tori looking at them constantly, not wanting to miss anything.
"Now, Tori", Jade starts, preparing her revenge, "I dare you to French kiss Robbie for two minutes. And you have to do it shirtless" Tori's eyes widen and all of them gasp.
"Jade!" she cries out.
"Shut up! You made Beck turn me on... now, you do it" she says forcibly, and sees how Tori and Robbie starts kissing. Andre gets uncomfortable immediately and Cat looks away.
"Ok, while they...finish, let's keep going on" Andre says. He asks Trina a question and then Trina asks Jade.
"Go and give Beck a handjob" Trina says. Tori rushes to cover Cat's eyes and ears while Beck restrains Jade from punching Trina.
"Are you crazy? I'm not giving him a handjob in front of you, pervert" Jade says holding her hands up and then crossing her arms under her chest.
"Then you have to take a piece of clothing off..." Trina lets out. Jade looks down at herself. Why do we have to be in summer? She thinks to herself. She's just wearing her shorts and the top of her black bikini as Tori and Cat.
Jade groans and pushes herself over Beck, who looks at her weirdly.
"Baby, we don't have to do this here... we can stop now" he whispers in her ear. She kisses him and makes her hand fly over his groin, he fidgets slightly as she slides her fingers under the fabric.
Tori is still covering Cat's eyes, but she's looking at them fervently, while Robbie and Andre stare at Jade and her exercised hands and Trina licks her lips shyly.
Beck moans in Jade's mouth and she smiles through their kiss. She then starts moving her hand up and down, creating friction, teasing him as she knows.
Even though the fabric of his pants covers it, all the gang can see his growing boner. Jade must be so nice at this, Robbie thinks.
"Babe, I'm... gonna..." and he's not able to finish the sentence, because she rubs his dick forcibly and he explodes. She smiles and then realizes they're being observed by their friends.
While Beck catches air and breathes deeply, Jade stands up and leans her hands on her hips.
"You've seen enough, now leave", she simply says.
"Wow, Jade, where did you learn that?" Andre asks while him and Robbie laugh. Tori arches her eyebrows suggestively and Trina leads Cat out of Beck's RV, all of them getting pushed by Jade, who locks the door and turns around on her feet to look at her boyfriend.
Beck's laying over the bed, still with his eyes closed, while Jade jumps onto him and pulls his pants down, leaving him completely naked.
"What are you doing, babe?" He asks. She rests a finger on his lips and gets undressed till she's just in her panties. And she lowers her body and takes his dick between her hands again. Just the cold touch of her skin makes him harder. She smirks when she feels his manhood getting bigger and harder than before and then kisses it, before taking it with all her mouth.
And when she gets on top of him and sits down over his danger zone, she adds:
"You turned me on, Beck, you weren't expecting me not to finish my job, did you?"

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