Confessions Are Well Composed Lies.

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Andre POV

"Andre, you're story is not adding up? If you're trying to protect the person who did this to you. You might regret it in the end." The officer in front of him said sterning as he twirled the pen in his hand between his finger to the beat of 5.

"ANDRE! ARE YOU LYING TO THE POLICE OFFICER. I NEED MY MEDS. ANDRE, DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO THE POLICE OFFICER," His grandma screamed shaking violently in the corner of his hospital room. He rolled his eyes as the next police officer in the room tried to calm her down.

"As I said, I was drunk so i could hardly remember. All i know is I hit a guy, he stabbed me so that's fair to me. I'm not dead so I'll be good and no charges should be filed"

"Are you sure you want to stick with that story?"


"Then okay, Officer Alan let's go. I see that we're done here" He watches the officers walk away and flops back into the hospital bed.

Did he really want Beck to get away scotch free?

Why was he doing this? Lying about this?

Beck could've killed him! He was in a COMA for Christ's sake. Beck took it too far, was Jade's pussy worth killing over? He couldn't even remember the sex. After all, even getting stabbed and he couldn't remember much about that night!

He guess he could understand but he'll never ever think to kill Beck if he slept with his girl. Maybe punch him but not actually stab.

What if he had die? Beck almost took his life....his dreams and aspirations and goals. All that could've been gone because of a drunken night.

Why did he let BECK GO? He could've got him locked up. He could've took his dreams away from him-his life but he didn't so why?

He knew deep down that he loved Jade. They had a history that was only there's. He had known her for a long time before even going to school together. They had good memeories together. He wasn't in love with her but he had a huge amount of love for her. She was very important to him so when she called him that night. He knew that he probably was out the door before he heard the full details.

Beck going to jail will absolutely wreck her. He wondered if she visited him at the hospital often? He knew she had came a few times, weirdly enough he heard her voice a couple times during his coma praying for him, apologizing and singing to him. His doctor had told him that a woman would come and wipe his body and help with dressing his wounds. His doctor also said she'll stay overnight sometimes, reading him a book quietly or retwisting his dreads.

His dreads weren't twisted now. Probably because she had that Parent project but she was there. She may have hated herself and probaly him for agreeing to her propsal but she was still there. They still had personal momnts to them that no one else would know or feel.

He appreciated that.

 Maybe that's why he let Beck go.

He knew things won't be the same but they could try to heal after he healed.

Would he wnt to heal the rifts tho?

Could he be friends with Beck after all that has happened between them?


"NO GRANDMA, THERE ISN'T. JUST GO HOME DAMN" She was always shouting in his damn head, didn't she see he was going though enough.

"FINE, SEE YOU TOMORROW" He sighed closing his eyes and she loudly left his room. Two more weeks in the hospital and he'll be back in his bed.

He had so much to do and so much to ask. He wondered how much he missed out on. He winced as a sharp pain hit him out of nowhere before it subsided. He just wanted a Daiy Queen smoothie and a strawberry chocolate moka cake from Mabel's. 

He'll call Dave when he gets access to his phone to bring that for him. It was almost lunch and he was fed up of the bland sandwhiches they gave him here.

God saved his life.

What was he going to do with it now?

Was his decision right?

Hey, y'all😅. I know I've been away, I'm just tryna get my.... (Brent Faiyaz Been away continues playing lol). I've been facing life and its ups and downs. I would never leave this story undone no matter how long it takes. The reader in me can't and won't do that to the readers of my book. I know how it feels. I was super busy and so much has been happening in our world collectively. So much death, pain, sadness so if this story brings you i=even an ounce of joy. I'm so deeply happy to be contributing that to each of your lives. 

Btw, @Laurens__Babe also has some books. You can def check out. I appreciate you supporting me and all the other writers on this platform. Thank you

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