Bad Plans

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Beck POV

"Everything all right, Jade?" Beck shook his head at Robbie but it was to late. She stopped stabbing her salad and looked at him.

"Come and sit in Daddy's lap?"He patted his lap and Jade pouted looking away angrily.

He smirked trailing his hands along her hand and whispered in her ear.

"You disobeying Daddy, it's been awhile since you've been spanked in front of company"

She turned to him and instantly hopped into his lap annoyed.

"You can't use that against me cause you get spanked as well" She whispered and he rolled his yes.

"No,that only happened once and you were being freaky"

"THat happened five times plus I wrote down the dates"

"You still mad?"

"No I have a plan"


"We are going home"

"We just got here" Tori pouted and he started felling bad but Jade came in.

"We didn't ask, I told you"

Jade POV

"Beck"I groan calling to my boyfriend who was currently in the bathroom washing his face or something.

"You sound like a needy little child" He says walking back into our room and dropping onto the bed where i was curled up under our covers. I rolled over and latched onto him.He laughed at me and grabbed my phone.

"Im so sleepy baby, ive had the longest day" I say whining while I put my face in his warm chest.

I saw the flash go off with my eyes closed and peeked one open.

"the fuck you doing?" I ask snuggling closer to him.

"I'm on your snapchat" He says and i can practically hear the smirk in his deep voice.

"Ok, well get off so we can go to bed." I blindly swipe at my phone as I hear one of the annoying filters songs.

"You go ahead, im having fun." he says like an idiot.

"babyyyyyyy, just go to sleep. Snap will be there in the morning" I complain.

"But these filters are just too cute on you. Look! now you have a big forehead" He says giggling and videoing me.

"Fuck off. Put my phone down and sleeeeeep!!" I thrash my legs a little bit, letting him know i'll have a tantrum.

"Are you really pouting right now? Youre so spoiled princess" He says laughing and putting my phone on the charger.

"Thats your fault" I say smirking finally closing my eyes.

He turns off the lamp next to our bed and slides under the covers with me. I smile and put my head in his neck. 

"I knew you weren't so badass when I met you"

"I am but you just made me soft"

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