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Aly's P.O.V:-

Couple hours flew by and I have had a scan and Noah is in the right place for them to break my waters, Joe has been on his phone and just sitting next to me while we talk about funny times in the past.

"So we are going to break your water now, you will start at very small minor contractions..." Dr said, as she wrote information down on her clip board.

"Okay" I smiled, I held Joe's hand slightly. As they injected a needle into my arm and linked me up to something.

"You okay baby?" Joe asked rubbing my upper thigh.

"Yes" I licked my bottom lip to ease the pain.

"We will keep monitoring you, but for the time being sit tight!" She paused, "do you need anything?" She asked.

"No thank you!" I smiled and then she went out the room, Joe turned to me.

"I might go to the shop and get a Starbucks if you need anything?" Joe smiled.

"Sure go ahead, I would love an ice tea..." I said.

"Okay, wait what? You never have ice tea" Joe laughed.

"Just a crave" I smirked.

"I know, I will be back soon! If you need me message or call me won't be long!" Joe said getting his jacket back on.

"I'm fine Joe, what could happen? I'm in the hospital!" I grinned.

"Okay!" Joe smiled, he leaned into peck my lips then he set off.

Joe's P.O.V:-

I walked out and headed straight the shops then I decided to tweet out about Aly.

Noah is on his way today! So excited! Aly is laid in hospital and I am getting a drink.

Then loads of retweets and tweets came rushing through, I looked through them quickly then went to the shop and my phone started buzzing it was Caspar.

"Hello mate" I chirped.

"Oh hey Joe! I saw your tweet! I hope you guys are okay!" Caspar said.

"I know and thank you, I've just nipped to the shop to get some things then get back to Aly, they just broke her water" I explained.

"Okay, let me know how she gets on" Caspar said.

"Okay, see you later or something" I said.



I paid for the things in the shop then headed back the hospital, I went back up to the top floor to see Aly laid in bed watching Tv that was hanging from the Celine.

"Hey Joe" Aly smirked, I leaned into give her a kiss and I sat down next to her,

"How was you when I was gone?" I asked.

"Good, I have small contractions already, the Dr said they will get bigger and more painful..."

Then she inhaled and exhaled.

"Contraction?" I asked.

"Yup! More sharp" she grinned.

"It will be okay" i smiled,

We sat around a little until the contractions got worse and she was uncomfortable.

Aly's P.O.V:-

Little time had past and the contractions where worse and Noah was moving a lot,

"Just want him to hurry up and arrive" I laughed slightly.

"I know, so do I!" Joe smiled.

Joe had updated his viewers on what was going on which i found relaxing to watch him vlog himself. The doctor came in couple times and we are just waiting till I can start to push for Noah to arrive. Joe is very excited so am I, but really nervous as I am a bit scared, but I will be fine.

I have had an epidural which they injected into my lower back, it hurt but it stopped the pain from Being to intense.

"Little Noah is on his way!" Judy smiled as she came in, Joe's eyes lit up as a slight grin left his cheeks.

"Yay" I cheered.

Then some nurses/doctors came through.

"right, please put your legs up on these so we can see how many centimetres you are so we know when you can start pushing okay?" One of the doctors said, name tag read - Dr Fossel.

They measured how centimetres I was then they got everything ready, Joe was standing by my side and holding my hand, i am lucky to have him.

"Okay, so on a count of 3 on your next contraction, push okay! Not to forceful but not to strain-fullness!" She said, and I nodded.

"3..." she paused, "2..." then, "1.." Judy counted down.


Then I pushed, I felt a weird sensation and it felt forceful but not to bad that I can't deal with. It did feel different, as the force was hitting the bottom of my abdomen.

"Ready for the next one?"

And I nodded and I pushed again,

"Your doing really well!" Joe praised, and all the doctors agreed.

After more deep contractions and painful pushes, Joe's eyes lit up as one of the doctors said,

"Come on nearly out! One more push!" They cheered.

I felt my heart sink...is this really happening? Joe and I have created something that we have actually made ourselves.

"You okay baby?" Joe asked kissing my head, I nodded.

"Yes" I said, the nurse quickly placed the baby in my arms and my eyes watered and tears pricked my eyes, Noah is born.

"Congratulations!" Judy smiled, she started to write down all the information, it's currently 3.45pm in the afternoon and Noah is born!

"We need to run some tests on him, have you got a name?" A doctor

"Yes" Joe smiled.

"Noah Sugg" I smiled.

"Yes" Joe agreed.



He's born!! Yay!!! Going
To be some fun chapters now!

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