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(A/N: thank you for all the comments means a lot! and make sure to read the end message thanks xx)

3 days later...

Joe's P.O.V:-

Aly and I where sat on the sofa watching TV, i just realised that she is watching 'Pretty Little Liars' We was watching the bit where a girl gets shot by this blind girl and this woman said that she was her mother, fucked up right? but what was confusing me is the TV show that Aly was watching was similar to the problem she has now. 

''Aly'' I said.

She paused the TV and sat up and looked at me,

''Huhmm'' She mumbled.

''The TV show represents what's been happening don't you think?'' I Asked.

''Pretty Little Liars? No i don't think so there are girls who get text messages thinking it was Alison and then they try and find her and stuff why do you say that?'' She asked.

''Well your name is Aly so whoever mum thinks you are names you after a TV program therefore i don't think she would of seen this because of being in rehab but you have gotten unknown messages from your mother but she said you have a brother which you didn't know about'' I explained.

''So your saying my life is just like a PLL game?'' She asked with a sarcastic laugh.

''No it just all builds up right? you have similar problems i am not trying to joke around or anything'' I said.

''I know, but i ant living the tint of life of PLL i just have the same issue as Spencer...'' She trailed off. ''but then i know who the messages are from and the London Health Centre is just a health centre not radley that was for crazy people'' She laughed.

''True, shall we go out and get some lunch?'' I asked

''Alright sounds good'' She smiled.


Aly's P.O.V:-

I didn't think my life for the past 2 weeks would be like this, i found out my mother is in fact alive and in a health centre for rehab because she took drugs and stuff. Then she said i have a brother which i don't know who he is...

''Aly?'' Joe called snapping me out of my gaze.

''Oh right, sorry'' I smiled slipping on my coat.

''Don't think about it'' Joe smiled.

I nodded and we headed out.

As we walked into the shop my phone started to buzz, i looked down and it was a unknown number again, its the police or the health centre...

''Hold on Joe'' I said as i saw him walk away to the food isle.

He stopped and looked at me with a confused look, i held the phone to my ear while catching up with Joe.

''Hello?'' I asked.

''Hello is this Aly?'' They asked.

''yes who is speaking?'' I asked.

''This is the police and we have been investigating the whole situation and when you rang us up the first time about the texts of your mother right?'' they asked.

''Yes that's right'' I mumbled.

''Well we went to see your mother the other day to ask some questions and she gave us some information about a brother that you have, and we can only tell you little much over the phone, but today or tomorrow you can nip over here to the station'' They explained.

''ok thank you, will see you soon'' I said.

''Okay bye'' They said.

I ended the call and inter winded my hand with Joe's and he gave me a kiss,

''It was the police, they said they have more information about my brother and stuff'' I explained, Joe nodded and squeezed my hand slightly before we got some food.

We soon browsed around got some food and headed home to of coarse eat it, Joe and I got a meal deal from Tesco nothing exciting but it's food!

''Do you want to go down to the station after food?'' Joe asked.

''yeah please'' I smiled.

''You are coping really well you need a medal'' Joe joked.

''yeah i do maybe a bit more than a medal'' I winked.

''Not right now you are to stressed'' Joe smirked.

''No Joe what was you thinking?'' I smirked.

''Nothing'' He coughed.

''Right'' I laughed.


We ate up and then we headed out again but to the police station..here we go.

''Hello i am Aly a officer rang me up about information about my mother and brother?'' I asked the lady,

''Oh yes, the officer is just in that office their'' She smiled pointing to the door,

I nodded and dragged Joe along with me, 

''Everything is going to be alright okay?'' Joe reassured me.

''yeah i know, thank you Joe'' I smiled.

I gave him a kiss before entering the office.

''Aly?'' The officer asked.

''yes that's me this is my boyfriend Joe, he knows everything'' I explained.

He nodded, ''Okay, well your brother is called Nathan and he is 17 years old so seems a lot younger than you, he lives with a mums friend'' The officer said.

''Oh right, can you ask him to come down to the station?'' I asked.

''We can but don't be disappointing if he does because he might be scared to know about you'' The officer said, i nodded.

Joe sat next to me and hugged me.


What do you think about this now? the plot is twisting right around! How do you think Nathan and Aly would react to each other?


Hey guys, some of you have noticed that my writing for the past couple chapters has been pretty little liars themed, honestly i didn't realise until you said something my brain didn't click to what i was writing about but i knew it's hard to explain my brain but i am not trying to copy pretty little liars as hard and sad that may be but i know it looks similar, sorry for the disappointment aha x

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