Chapter Eight

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Rockpaw looked over to the nursery as Tanglepaw talked to one of the queens. Rockpaw walked over to them. "Hi, Owlheart, how are your kits?" Tanglepaw shook her fur, "Yeah how are they?" Owlheart smirked and stepped forward, "Would you like to see them?" Tanglepaw and Rockpaw stepped quietly into the nursery. Curled up sleeping were Owlhearts four little kittens. "Aw! They're beautiful!" Meowed Tanglepaw to Owlheart, "What are their names?" Asked Owlheart as she settled down next to her kits. She placed her nose on the head of a white and gray tabby, almost identical to her, "His name is Cloudkit, his brothers, Splashkit and Flashkit." She placed her nose on a white and black spotted tom and a light ginger tom, "And the youngest one, their sister, Shinekit." The completely black kit had sleek fur that shone in the faded light. "So cute." Meowed Tanglepaw. "Truly adorable." Meowed Rockpaw. "Well, you two better get going, there is lot to do." Insisted Owlheart. "Of course, you stay well." Rockpaw and Tanglepaw left the warm nursery into the rain. "Wow, two days of rain." Tanglpaw meowed to herself. Rockpaw looked around for her mentor but couldn't see him. "I'm gonna go check in on Snowdew and Tendrilfur." Meowed Rockpaw as Tanglepaw headed off to find her mentor, Vinestripe. Rockpaw padded into the medicine den. Berryheart was in the back, treating Tedrilfur's wound. Tendrilfur pulled away slightly, smiling, "Hi Rockpaw!" He sounded excited. Rockpaw blinked and smiled, "Hi, Tendrilfur." Rockpaw turned to Snowdew who was curled up sleeping. "How's Snowdew?" Snowdew shifted in her nest and grunted. "Why don't you ask her yourself? Seeing that you woke her up." Berryheart meowed as he pushed Tendrilfur back down and continued to apply herbs to his wounds. Snowdew stretched slightly and turned around slowly to face Rockpaw. "Hi Snowdew, how are you feeling?" Rockpaw settled down in front of the white she cat. "Better, it still hurts but I'm okay." Snowdew lifted her head up slightly for Rockpaw to see. A big patch of fur was gone and red, green herbs plastered over some area and cobwebs covered the actual wound itself. "Wow, that looks pretty bad, I'm so sorry." Rockpaw meowed. "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. But as soon as I get out of here, the next chance we get, we're gonna send that mangy Thunderclan tom running for his mother. Send him straight back to the nursery like a scared little kit." Snowdew joking chuckle. Settling back down Snowdew yawned. "I heard about what you did, attacking him. Did you really tear his ear off?" Snowdew asked as Rockpaw curled her tail around her paws. "Yeah, I wanted him to pay for what he did to you." Snowdew reached over and licked the top of Rockpaw's head, "Thank you, Rockpaw." Rockpaw nodded, "You get some more rest, you've got to be real strong and ready to send him back to the nursery." Rockpaw laughed quietly as Snowdew got comfortable and began to drift to sleep. Rockpaw got up and headed over to Tendrilfur and Berryheart. "You should be out by tomorrow, but no fighting or hunting, just patrols and helping around camp okay?" Berryheart meowed to Tendrilfur as he lay, bored in his nest. The young warrior was desperate to get out there and fight. Rockpaw settled down next to him, "How are you feeling?" Tedrilfur stuckhis chin up high, "I feel perfectly fine, and I'm ready to get back to my duties." He meowed confidently. Rockpaw narrowed her eyes, sat up and raised her paw above his flank. "Then I guess you wouldn't mind if I did this." Rockpaw placed her paw down on his wound, lightly, he pulled away and groaned in pain. "That's what I thought." Rockpaw giggled. Tendrilfur rolled his eyes and curled up, "Shut up. Don't you have something else to do?" Tendrilfur meowed grumpily. Rockpaw sat in front of him, she placed her paw on his nose. "Nope, I've got all day." She giggled as Tendrilfur sneezed. "C'mon, get out." Meowed Berryheart, "I've barely got any room to move around here." Rockpaw scooted over as Berryheart made his way over to Snowdew. "I guess I don't have all day." Rockpaw meowed. "Well see ya!" She padded out of the den, flicked her tail over Tendrilfur's mouth before he could even say anything. 

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