1: Mother Dearest

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~ Hermione ~

Waking up early on the day before I would go to Hogwarts had somehow become a tradition in the Granger household. It started way back before my First Year at Hogwarts. I woke up early due to nervousness and it just happened every year since. Mum and Dad have adapted the newfound tradition into their schedules. Even after five years, I'm still a ball of nerves the day before term starts.

Changing into a tank-top and jean shorts that weren't packed away in my trunk for Hogwarts, I left my bedroom. I had finished packing my trunk nearly three days ago, a little later then I had planned but it was done nonetheless.

As soon as I put my foot on the last step of the stairs I knew something was off. Something had made the aura in the house go from carefree to deadly.

"Mum? Dad?" I called out nervously.

Mum immediately walks into the living room, a fake smile plastered onto her face. Something must be wrong, she never fakes anything. Dad was right behind her but had a sad look on his face.

"Yes, dear?" Mum asks, her voice wavering.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I ask worried.

"Uh..yes. Please sit down" Mum said, sounding like a stranger.

What in Merlins beard is going on?

I do as I was told, sitting on the edge of the sofa. Mum and Dad remained standing.

"We...have to tell you something, Hermione" Dad says, sounding as if he's choking back tears.

"What is it?" I asked, nervous for what it might be.

"You were adopted" Mum says flatly.

"So? I'm still your daughter, right?" I ask.

Tears are threatening to spill but I force them down. So what if Mum and Dad aren't my biological parents, they're still my parents no matter what.

What if my biological parents are wizards? What if they're Muggles?

What if Hermione isn't even my real name?

"No, Hermione, you're not. We love you as if you are our daughter but you aren't. Your biological mother will be here in an hour to collect you" Dad says flatly.

"In a-an hour?!" I ask shrilly.

"Yes, an hour dear" Mum says.

"Can you at least tell me her name?" I ask in a small voice.

If I'm going to be meeting my biological mother for the first time I would at least like to know her name.

"Her name is Arabella Riddle" Dad says, his voice void of any emotion.

Riddle? That couldn't mean....no! That couldn't be possible. Voldemort couldn't be my father, or grandfather.


After what seems like an eternity, there's a knock at the front door. Mum slowly walks over to the door and opens it. On the other side stands a woman who looks to be in her mid-forties. Wordlessly, Mum lets the woman inside.

The woman has curly blonde hair, emerald green eyes, and pale skin. Her pale skin is matched with sharp but beautiful features and bright red lipstick. She's wearing a little black dress matched with black stilettos. She doesn't look like a witch. More like a Muggle model.

"Hello, Mr and Mrs Granger, Hermione" The woman says formally but fondly.

"Hello, Mrs. Riddle. Would you like a spot of tea?" Mum asks politely.

"No thank you. May I speak to my daughter alone for a minute?" She asks.

Mum nods and walks out of the room, Dad trailing behind her. Arabella Riddle smiles warmly at me before sitting down on the couch a few inches from me. This woman is my mother.

"You must have questions, honey. Ask away" Arabella said warmly.

"Who is my biological father?" I ask bluntly.

"Ah. Your biological father is Tom Riddle. But you know him by another name, Voldemort." Arabella says calmly.

What the actual hell? How could Voldemort be my bloody father? How could my supposed parents not tell me?

"Why am I living with the Grangers?" I ask, not wanting to dwell on the previous subject.

"Because it was too dangerous for you to stay with me after your father lost his power" She replies, a sad look taking grip of her face.

"Do I have any siblings?" I asked.

I probably don't, knowing that Voldemort was dead for fourteen years, but it's a question I want the answer to anyways.

"Sadly, no. Your father wanted a son before..before he left for fourteen years" Arabella said, sounding as if she was going to start crying.

"Why don't I look like you?" I asked, actually curious.

Maybe she used a Glamour Charm but it would have had to be extremely strong and almost permanent for it to work for sixteen years.

"Glamour Charm, dear. Don't worry, your father and I are the only ones who can remove it" Arabella says.

Thank Merlin. At least no one else could remove it and see what I really look like. Imagine what would happen if it would be removed at Hogwarts, in front of Harry or Ron or anybody.

"Is Hermione my real name?" I asked nervously.

"No. Your real name is Madeline Jade Riddle" Arabella replied.

Madeline Jade Riddle.

My real name.

Hermione Jean Granger.

My fake name.

Time to chose which one to become.

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