3: Father Dearest and the Manor

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~ Hermione ~

I looked up at the manor in awe. How could this wonderful place now be my home? It looks so serene and perfect. Two words you would never expected to go with the house of Lord Voldemort.

"Let's get you inside, Tom is waiting" Arabella said.

Slightly easing up on the hold of my trunk, I allow Arabella to lead me inside the magnificent manor. The place I would now call home.

The inside is just as beautiful as the outside. The floors of the foyer are black and red tile while the walls are a striped black and white. Portraits of long dead witches and wizards hang on the walls, covering most of the wallpaper.

My eyes fall to the middle of the foyer and my heart plummets to my stomach. He's standing in the same room as me. And he isn't trying to kill me.

He looks more snake-like than human, with nearly translucent skin and slits for a nose. He's wearing a perfectly tailored black suit with a red tye hanging from his neck.

But he doesn't look scary. He looks slightly at peace, something looking like a happy expression on his face.

Then he starts walking towards Arabella and I. I almost turn craven and try to run away. Almost. This man is my father and he would never try to hurt me. Not ever.

"Honey, this is your father" Arabella says.

Tom Riddle now stood a foot away from me. Tom bloody Riddle. My father.

"Hello, Hermione. It's a pleasure to meet you" He says, sticking his hand out for a hand shake.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you as well" I said, shaking his hand.

After a second he pulls his hand away and returns it to his side. I quickly do the same thing. In an instant we're both looking at Arabella, not knowing what to do next.

"Oh, honey I forgot something! Would you preferred to be called Hermione or Madeline?" Arabella asks, a worried look in her eyes.

"Hermione is fine" I reply.

Arabella nods her head but I can tell she's dissapointed. She must want to call me by the name she named me sixteen years ago.

"Hermione, let's bring your trunk to your bedroom" Tom says after a moment.

I nod. I allow my two biological parents to lead me down several hallways until we reach a lone bedroom in an otherwise empty hallway. The plaque next to the door reads 'Madeline Jade'.

Arabella opens the door and allows me to walk in first. Holy mother of Merlin! It's huge!

The room must be the size of my old bedroom combined with Mum and Dad's bedroom. Oh wait, they're Mr and Mrs Granger to me now.

The floors are a plush gold carpet whilst the walls are a deep burgandy color; the house colors of Gryffindor.

There's a queen-sized bed in the middle of the north wall, complete with a Gryffindor themed bed spread. The whole west wall is covered by a bookshelf, which is filled with books I've never seen before. There's a desk in the middle of the east wall. Then there's a lone door on the south wall.

I place my trunk in front of the bed and make my way for the door. I open it and walk into my very own bathroom. There's a toilet, sink, tub that could fir nearly six people, and a large shower. There's another door leading into another room next to the sink.

I heisitantly open this one and am greeted by a fully stocked walk-in closet. It's filled with shirts, pants, skirts, dresses, and any other possible article of clothing.

I smile to myself. I have my own bathroom and a walk-in closet! How cool.

I walk back into the bedroom where Arabella and Tom are waiting for me.

"Do you like it?" Tom asks.

"I love it" I said, smiling.

Madeline Jade Riddle.

My real name.

My choice.

Daughter to Tom and Arabella Riddle.

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