9: Hogsmeade pt.1

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~ Hermione ~

Harry, Ron, and I arrived in Hogsmeade with the other students a few hours after breakfast. Harry and Ron wanted to go to Honeydukes so they dragged me along with them. They also dragged Neville and Ginny with us.

While they were all browsing the candy shop, I looked out the window at the village. I could faintly see The Three Broomsticks down the road and students were roaming the streets.

One student in particular caught my eye; Draco Malfoy. He was walking down the road by himself. He just so happened to look in the window of Honeydukes and he saw me looking at him.

He gave me a weird look before motioning that I should come outside. I turned around and didn't see any of my friends so I slipped outside. What could Malfoy possibly want?

I silently walked over to Malfoy and he started walking down the street again. I walked silently next to him, wondering where he was taking me.

We walked into a secluded alleyway and he nervously looked around. What the hell is he doing?

"I seriously can't believe it" He said out of the blue, causing me to jump a little.

He looks at me for a second with a competely blank expression on his face before he slipped on an emotionless mask.

"Believe what, Malfoy?" I asked, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"That the Dark Lords daughter is still best friends with Potter and Weasley" Malfoy says bluntly.

He knows, goddammit. Of course he does, his parents are my freaking godparents!

"So you know?" I asked quietly.

Malfoy looks at me with a confused look on his face for one second before slipping on his emotionless mask, again. Does he think that I knew that he knows?

"Of course I know, Madeline, why wouldn't I?" Malfoy smirked.

I glare at him for using my true name. If he knows he might tell his friends then the whole school and possible the Wizarding World would know in hours.

And if he were to call me Madeline instead of Hermione (or Granger) people would think somethings up. Especially Harry and Ron. Hell, they'll think somethings up if they spot me having a decent conversation with Malfoy.

"I...don't know" I mumble, looking down at the ground.

He chuckled, causing me to look up at him. Why in the world is he laughing?

"Do Potty and Weasel not know?" Malfoy asks, still laughing.

"I don't see why that's any of your buisniess" I said, glaring up at him.

He stopped laughing after he realized that my two best friends don't know. But he does, something who's made my life a living hell for the past five goddamn years.

"Whatever, it's not my problem. What is my problem is the fact that my father has ordered me to protect you" Malfoy says, sounding almost disgusted.

"I can protect myself, thanks" I say defiantly.

"Your father doesn't seem to think so, Maddy" Malfoy replies, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Why does Tom not think I can take care of myself? I have for the past five years I've been in the Wizarding World so what's different about this year. Oh yeah, the fact that I know who my biological parents are.

"Nicknames already, Malfoy?" I sneered.

"Call me Draco" He replies, flashing me a smile.

"Okay sure..Draco. I should get back to Honeydukes" I reply.

It's so weird not calling him by his surname. I have been doing it ever since we met, way back in First Year. I'll just have to get used to calling him by his first name instead of his last.

"Why?" He asks, arching a brow.

"I wasn't there alone, I was with friends" I replied.

"Okay, don't let me stop you" Draco says, nodding in understanding.

Nodding back at him, I leave the secluded alleyway. I quickly make my way back to Honeydukes, not wanting to explain why I was gone.

Once I arrive outside of Honeydukes, everyone I went there with pour out of the building. They all look at me with confused looks on their faces.

"Where were you? We thought something bad had happened" Harry asks with genuine concern lacing his voice.

"I...went for a quick walk. I didn't know you guys would be done so soon" I reply, not technically lying.

I didn't have to tell them that I was with Draco. In a secluded alleyway. If I told them that they probably would think that we're a couple or something along those lines.

"Alright" Harry says, sounding skeptical.

"Let's go to The Three Broomsticks!" Ginny suggests.

She starts walking towards the pub, forcing all of us to follow.

I swear I could hear light laughter behind us. I turn around and I see Draco, leaning against a close-by building. And he's chuckling to himself.

"C'mon Hermione!" I hear Ginny yell.

I spin around and run to catch up with my friends.


If Draco has been ordered to protect me doesn't that mean he has to basically be everywhere I go. This should be a fun year. Not.

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