18: Becoming Madeline Riddle

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~ Hermione ~

Later that night Tom, Arabella, and I are all standing in my bedroom. It's time for the Glamour Charm to come off. It is also time for me to become a Death Eater; meaning that I'll have to get the Dark Mark.

"Revelio" Arabella says proudly, pointing her wand at me.

I feel so many things change at once it's impossible to describe what it feels like. Once everything's done being changed I run to my bathroom.

My hair is now shoulder length, wavy, and dirty blonde, instead of frizzy and a dull brown. My eyes are emerald green instead of brown and my eyelashes are longer and darker. My skin is pale instead of the tan color is was. I got a few inches taller, now I'm about 5'7. I got skinner so now everything about me is basically perfectly proportioned.

I am now 100% Madeline Jade Riddle instead of Hermione Jean Granger, the Mudblood bookworm who's best friends with Weasley and Potter. Hermione Granger died the moment I found out what my real name was. Hell, Hermione Granger never even existed except for on a piece of paper that Muggles deem important.

I return to my bedroom where Tom and Arabella are. They both look very proud for some reason.

"Are you ready, sweetie?" Tom asks.

I nod and shove down any nervous thoughts that I may have. I already said that I would get the Dark Mark so I can't bail out now.

Tom walks over to me and grabs my forearm. He turns it over so the palm of my hand is towards him.

He draws his wands and presses it down into my skin. He mumbles something and a burning sensation takes over my arm.

I bite down on my lip to keep myself from crying out in pain. I look away, not wanting to see what was happening to my arm. I decide to stare at the celling and analyze the chandelier. Arabella rushes over only to have Tom send her away.

After a few minutes Tom withdraws his wand and the searing pain decreases to a dull throbbing sensation. He walks a few feet away to give me my space. Islowly look away from the wall to down at my arm.

There it is.

The Dark Mark, moving ever so slightly on my pale forearm. Now I'm officially a Death Eater.

Just what Weasley thought I was earlier today. Hermione Granger would've done anything to prevent this but Madeline Riddle lives to make her Mother and Father proud. The next time I see Weasley he's going to have hell to pay for making me cry. So will Potter and She-Weasel. They'll all have hell to pay from the Riddle family. At least before we end their misery once and for all

Arabella runs over to me and engulfed me in a bone-crushing hug. I hug her back with less force. After a minute she release me and looks at my forearm.

She pulls her sleeve up and shows me her matching Dark Mark. I never noticed she had one until now. Maybe she didn't have one until after I went to Hogwarts or used a concealment charm when I was around.

Now I truly belong with my family. Madeline Riddle has finally returned home.

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