20: Word From Hogwarts

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~ Madeline ~

It's been two long and dreadful weeks ever since I escaped from Hogwarts. Two weeks ever since I fully became Madeline Jade Riddle. Two weeks ever since I got the Dark Mark and became a Death Eater.

We haven't received any word from Draco, Severus, Parkinson, or Zabini ever since the escape. Arabella and Tom are on edge all the time, worrying that the Ministry will come breaking down the door any day now.

I miss being at school and learning but I would rather be at home and know that I am safe. I'm sure Arabella and Tom feel the same way, knowing that I'm safe when I'm in the manor. Which I haven't left in the past two weeks, in fear of being caught by Aurors from the Ministry. They couldn't know what I look like without the Glamour Charm on, right?

I also miss Draco, Parkinson, and Zabini. They have become my best friends, surely replacing Harry, Ron, and Ginny. But I miss Draco the most because I also have a slight crush on him. I don't want him to get hurt or killed or thrown in Azkaban because he sided with my father.

"Madeline! Come here please!" Arabella yells from downstairs.

Sighing, I close the book I was reading and leave my bedroom. I walk downstairs and make my way to where Arabella is. She was in the main lounge, the largest sitting room on the first floor of the manor.

She's sitting on the couch with a letter in her hand. She holds it out to me when I walk into the room. I happily grab it from her and basically tear it open. It's most likely word from Draco about what's been going on at Hogwarts for the past two weeks. And that's what it was, a letter from Draco.

Dearest Madeline,

I can't write a super long letter so I'm sorry if this is a little shorter then you had expected. Parkinson and Zabini miss you terribly, by the way. Potty, Weasel, and She-Weasel have been nonstop questioning us about you. They somewhat know that we helped you escape but have no proof so they can't go and run to Dumbledore.

There is now a curfew in place and the Owlery is being monitored by Aurors and the Ministry. The curfew permits students from going out past eight pm instead of ten and were not allowed to leave our dorms until breakaway starts. That's why this letter has to be somewhat short. Severus has told me to tell you to be careful since the attention of the whole Minstry is on you and the Dark Lord.

We all miss you and we all want the best for you.

Draco Malfoy

I smile down at the letter before folding it back up. I look up at Arabella to see her smiling at me. She must've known that the letter was from Draco, since the only other person a letter would've been from would be Severus.

"It seems like your little escape caused chaos at Hogwarts" Arabella says with a slight smile on her face.

"It seems it did" I reply, with a knowing smile on my face.

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