5: The Feast

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~ Hermione ~

As soon as I walked into the Great Hall I felt someone staring at me. Deciding it was just some stupid paranoia, I let it go.

Harry, Ron, and I sit down at our seats at the Gryffindor table. A few seats down from us is Ginny and Dean. And they were having a full on snogging session. Ew. They should keep the snogging to a private place and not the bloody house table at the first feast of the year!

Ron cleared his throat and the pair stopped what they were doing to look at him. Ginny immediately starts to blush wildly and Dean awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.

"Knock it off, you'll traumatize the younger kids" Ron says in a slightly joking manner.

Dean chuckles but he actually listens to Ron and ceases his snogging with Ginny. Thank Merlin that someone actually listened to Ron.

It still feels like someone is staring at me so I look around the Great Hall and lock eyes with one of last people I would have wanted to; Professor Severus Snape. He quickly looks away but knows that I caught him.Tom must've told him or else he wouldn't have been staring at me.

"Hermione? You okay?" I hear Harry ask.

I return my gaze to him and nod. He doesn't look convinced. Dang it.

"I'm fine, Harry. Don't worry about me" I said with a smile.

Harry nodded but I could tell that he didn't fully believe me. Before he could question me any further, McGonagall and this years group of First Years walk in.

All of the First Years look excited yet terrified at the same time. I know the feeling and I was the same as them five meager years ago. A small little muggle-born First Year who didn't know anyone but was good at spells already.

I wasn't really friends with anyone until Harry and Ron saved me from that Troll on Halloween. And we've all been the best of friends ever since then.

After the Sorting Ceramony, Dumbledore addresses the new changes in the staff. Snape had become the new DADA professor and Professor Slughorn was Snape's replacement. At least it isn't Umbridge. Gilderoy Lockhart would be better choice then Umbridge.

After Dumbledore concludes his speech, he allows the feast to begin. The food magically appears on the platters and everyone at every table instantly starts to dig in. Especially Ron. Ron could eat if the apocalypse was happening around him and he wouldn't have a care in the world.

"Save enough for the rest of us, Ronald" I say in a joking manner as he starts to eat a whole chicken leg.

He looks at me, rolls his eyes, then continues to eat. Harry laughs but I remain quiet as I start playing with my food.

All I can think about is that I can't tell Harry and Ron, my two best friends, who my biological parents are. It's infuriating but I know it's for my own safety.

What would the Wizarding World do if they found out that Voldemort has a daughter? If they found out that it was me?

Madeline Jade Riddle.

My real name.

My choice.

Daughter to Tom and Arabella Riddle.

My curse.

My secret.

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