6: Gryffindor Tower

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~ Hermione ~

After the feast had concluded Harry, Ron, and I were lounging around in the Gryffindor common room. Ginny had gone up to the fifth year Girls dormitory a few minutes ago, along with everyone else. It was only us in there so it was pretty quiet except for the occasional crackle from the fireplace.

Harry looked at the fireplace and a sad expression took hold of his face. He must be thinking about his godfather, Sirius Black. Sirius was killed in the Department of Mysteries right before the end of our fifth year. The only times they had talked during the school year was through the fireplace, Sirius had somehow placed a charm on it. He was killed right in front of Harry.

Sirius's cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange, was the one who had killed him in cold blood. Voldemorts right-hand woman; my father's right-hand woman.

"You okay Harry?" Ron asks, also noticing Harry's distress.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine" Harry mumbles.

Ron looks at me, obviously wondering what he should day next. I shake my head 'no', meaning that Ron shouldn't press the subject. Harry would tell us how he was truly feeling when he was ready to. And if he was never ready to that was fine as well.

Harry looked away from the fireplace and forced a small smile on his face. I smiled back at him and stifled a yawn. It was getting pretty late and classes start at 8 sharp tomorrow morning.

"Tired?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I had a late night last night" I said.

That is true; nerves and my biological parents kept me up until the late hours of the night. Arabella and Tom wanted to know what I was interested in and other things parents should know about their child. They only knew things about me that were public knowledge; like the fact that Harry Potter is my best friend. Luckily they didn't bring that up. The rest of the night I was lying in my bed, nervous about returning to Hogwarts. I was also nervous because what if Harry and Ron were to find out who my biological parents were? What if the whole school did? What if the whole bloody Wizarding World did? What would happen to me?

"Then don't go to bed too late tonight" Ron suggested.

"I wasn't planning on staying up much longer anyways" I reply.


Harry, Ron, and I stay in the Gryffindor Common Room for at least another hour to an hour and a half. We talked about what happened in each of our summers and other things that normal friends do. Ron and Harry also had a long talk about Quidditch and it almost resulted in an argument between the two. They were talking about their favorite teams and it quickly turned into which team was the better team.

"I'm off to bed. Goodnight boys" I said, standing up from my chair.

I stand up and walk up the stairs. Before I arrive in my dormitory I hear them both saying goodnight. I smile to myself as I quietly open the door to my dormitory. I close the door quietly behind me and quickly change into pajama's when I reach my bed.

I climb into bed and hear a few of the girls moving around on their respective beds. I pull the covers over my head and I quickly fall asleep.

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