11: The Library

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~ Hermione ~

Ever since the incident at Hogsmeade two and a half weeks ago I've barely talked to Harry or Ron. Ginny and I only see each other at meals and in the Common Room so we talk the same amount we used to but our conversations are just..small talk. Neville hasn't talked to me since but he and Ginny hang out all the time.

And all of this was caused by one person. One person who is named Draco Malfoy. He used to be the thing that made Hogwarts hell but now he's basically the only person I talk to. In private of course. We don't talk during meals or during classes, unless we absolutely have to.

Zabini and Pansy Parkinson think that we're dating but we aren't. Suprisingly Parkinson isn't a bad person once you get to know her and when she isn't calling you a Mudblood. Draco and I told Zabini and Parkinson who I really am last week and they took it suprisingly well. Parkinson's parents are Death Eaters while Zabini's Mom is not on either side.

We always hang out in the library after classes and on the weekends. We go there because the only other people who frequent the library are Ravenclaw's.

After classes today ended I returned to Gryffindor Tower. Draco, Zabini, Parkinson, and I have planned to hang out in the library after classes today. The only reason I returned to Gryffindor Tower was to put my school bag away. Once I did that I left my dormitory and almost left the dorm without bumping into anybody. But, I ended up bumping into Ron in and Common Room. It's weird to not see him at Harry's side. They must have different classes at the end of the day.

"Hello, Ron" I say, trying to be friendly.

Everyone in Gryffindor house, hell the whole school, knows that I'm buddies with a few Slytherin's. And most Gryffindor's call me a traitor because of it. Dean and Seamus being two of those people.

"Hey, Hermione. Are you doing anything after dinner?" He asked.

"Yes, actually. Sorry, maybe another time?" I asked, genuinely feeling bad.

Ron is my best friend and I should hang out with him more but things have been awkward between us ever since Hogsmeade.

"Y-yeah, sure. See you later" Ron says, walking away.

Without replying, I leave Gryffindor Tower. I arrive in the library seven minutes later. Everyone else is already there at our usual table. Our usual table is a table in the far corner of the library, it's one of the tables farthest from the entrance.

Zabini is the first to spot me making my way to the table. He waves at me and I wave back at him. Zabini is a funny guy always knows how to brighten anyone's mood.

Noticing that Zabini is waving at someone, Draco and Parkinson turn in my direction. They both smile at me, I return their gestures with a pleasant smile of my own.

I arrive at the table and sit down at my usual seat. I sit next to Parkinson and across from Draco. Everyone else sits down at their normal seats.

"So, how is little miss Maddy today?" Zabini asks with a smile on his face.

He knows how much I don't like being called Maddy but he does it anyways.   Parkinson does the same thing, the two of them often team up to annoy me. That's why I still call them by their  last names instead of their first names.

"It's Hermione and my day was fine. You?" I asked.

"Good. There's a Quidditch game tomorrow. Gryffindor versus Slytherin. How about you..Pansy?" Zabini says, grinning.

Both Draco and Zabini play on the Slytherin Quidditch team. It's one of the things they talk about the most.

"My day was fine, Draco?" Parkinson says.

"My day was okay" Draco says flatly.

"You sure mate, you seem kind of down in the dumps?" Zabini asks, putting a reassuring hand on Draco's shoulder.

"I'm 100% sure, Blaise" Draco says.

I look at Draco and it's obvious that he's feeling down in the dumps, just like Zabini said. Something must be bothering him. I wonder if he would tell me?


Draco, Zabini, Parkinson, and I hang out in the library until it's time to go to the Great Hall for dinner.

I hang back and grab Draco by the arm, making sure I could talk to him alone. He looks at me with a confused expression on his face but doesn't move to remove my hand from his arm.

After I make sure it's just us in the library I remove my hand from his arm. He looks at me with an expectant look in his eye. He must want me to hurry up and say what I have to say so he could make it to dinner relatively on time.

"Are you okay? You seemed depressed earlier?" I asked.

"Damn, I thought I did a good acting job" Draco chuckled to himself.

"Seriously, Draco, what's wrong?" I ask, genuine concern lacing my voice.

He looks me straight in the eyes for a few moments before looking away.

"Nothing's wrong, Maddy. I'm fine" He lied.

"You're lying" I said angrily, glaring at him.

"You would know a lot about that wouldn't you?" Draco said, sounding cold and emotionless.

"What?" I asked.

"You're always lying, saying you're someone that you're not. Hermione Granger doesn't exist; your Madeline Riddle for christs sake! And you're lecturing me for lying once!" Draco yells at me.

I instinctively recoil away from him. Tears threaten to spill but I won't let them. He will never see me cry or be the reason why I do.

"Whatever, Malfoy, I was just trying to be a good friend" I said.

I leave him and the library before he could say anything. I decide against going to dinner, I don't want to deal with people.

I return to Gryffindor Tower and my dormitory. I crawl into my bed and close my eyes.

I feel like crying but I don't allow myself to. What he said is true but it isn't worth crying over. He isn't worth crying over.

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