Chapter 4

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Winter straightened herself at the sight of Aimery Park, "Good evening advisor Park, it's a pleasure meeting you after so many days."

Aimery looked at Jacin and his smile dropped, "This guy is still Sticking around you Princess? Well don't worry I am here now, I can protect you." his voice became soft and he came closer.

Winter cleared her throat,"No thank you advisor park I think Sir Clay is doing a great job and I wouldn't want to disturb you."

Aimery smiled, "No problem princess as long as I am near you." Winter gritted her teeth, "The queen wanted to meet you Princess about the meeting tomorrow, please follow me"

With that Aimery started to walk, Winter followed him, Jacin was following her, Aimery noticed this, "I am here with you and he can leave."

"But-" Aimery cut her off, "He needs to report to the palace prison immediately as ordered by the queen."

Jacin hesitated but bowed and walked towards the palace prison, Winter gut was telling her that something might go wrong now as she was alone with Aimery, Aimery could kill her even worse make her kill herself.

'This is not good' she thought. she heard thunder rumble outside, Winter flinched, this was really a bad day and the sky was approving it.

"Princess stay close, I know you are frightened by thunder." Winter gave a fake smile, "Thank you for your offer Aimery park but I am over it now."

Aimery nodded and started to walk, after a few steps he stopped and turned facing her, "I heard that you are meeting your future husband tomorrow princess, may I have the pleasure of congratulating you at this moment?"

"Of course advisor park" Aimery shook they hands while his eyes didn't leave her face, he shook her hands for a long time, Winter had to pull her hand of his grip. She gestured towards the Thorne room, "If you'll excuse me my step mother is waiting in there and I must go."

Aimery nodded bowing deeply, "Of course Princess." They walked inside the throne room, Levana was sitting on the throne with Sybil by her side

"Ahh, Winter come in, I have called Tressa to select a few dresses for you, you should go with her."

Tressa came in, Winter began to walk towards her, Levana called her, "Winter? You do remember some things right?"

"Yes, your majesty" Levana smiled, Winter's face broke into a smile and suddenly she felt like Levana was really a good step mother no a mother to her and what ever decision she takes is only for the best of her.

Tressa cleared her throat, Winter snapped out of it and glared at Levana who was not even paying attention to her anymore. Aimery was eyeing her with lustful eyes, this made Winter get angrier now.

Winter huffed and walked out with Tressa following her, "I can't believe she glamoured me, well she could but this is too much, proves the fact that I am nothing more than a puppet in her hands."

Tressa shook her head, "No princess you have a choice, you can say no to the marriage."

"No I cannot do this, can't you see all the people moving to earth, our people are starving due to low resources."

Tressa came close and whispered, "W-Well I don't know if I should be telling you this but I heard those stuffy thaumartages talking and I am not sure if this true But they are telling that the queen is doing this for getting her hands on earth."

Winter took a deep breath to control her tears, "I had my theories too and I am hopeless Tressa, I don't know what is making King Kai have a marriage alliance with luna."

"Some people say that it is due to a disease spreading on earth and it is found that lunars are immune to it, so he is having hopes of finding a cure for it in luna and I heard some rumours that he is the most handsome man on earth." Tressa squealed a little bit at the end.

Winter sighed, "Whatever but the King is entering into a trap by himself." Winter couldn't help but feel Aimery and Levana were the end of her and now Jacin was nowhere to be seen, he was always with her but she didn't know where he was now when she needed him.

They reached her room and Tressa brought a set of gowns for winter to choose, Winter gave her opinion without any enthusiasm, most women would be happy to marry but for Winter it was a like taking away her freedom.

Well her freedom was taken right from the day her father married Levana but now it felt like her life was totally shattered and there is no hope at all.

After some time they finally selected a dress and Tressa excused herself, Winter was left alone, she was wondering where Jacin would be, probably busy somewhere because Jacin never wastes his time.

Huh, that handsome stupid guard, if only he knows how she feels, thinking of him bought a smile on Winters lips, even if a person was holding a knife to her neck she would still smile if she thinks about him, well that was a bit idiotic she thought.

Winter went to her desk and started to read a book obviously about romance and dozed off on the table.

Late in the night she felt like someone was calling her name, "Winter, Winter, help."

It was Jacin, it was like a call for help.

"Winter! Help, please"

She felt like it was Jacin's voice, the same rough voice but Aimery said that he was needed for guarding the prison, what was he doing here?

Did Aimery do something to Jacin? He was giving Jacin sour looks this evening, She couldn't stand if something happened to Jacin and if Aimery was the cause then she would strangle him to death.

Stars, Jacin must be in real trouble, she rushed down the stairs, "Jacin? where are you?"

"I am hear Winter." she could hear the voice on the other side of the corridor wall, she quickly rounded the wall, the whole corridor was empty and that never happens.

Even at midnight, there would be some workers roaming around the corridor or there would be a guard posted somewhere nearby but there was no one anywhere to be seen.

"Winter!" And Jacin started coughing, but this time the voice was different, it was not Jacin's, "Jacin is that really-"

Someone put an arm around her, the person dragged her somewhere, she was struggling in his hold when she opened her mouth to shout another person gagged her with a piece of cloth.

Winter was helpless, this was a trap, she should have had some common sense that nothing can harm Jacin with him being strong to tackle goons and even if something happens to Jacin he would never call for her to help, he would know better than to put her into trouble but why would they want to kidnap her.

Tears started to fall from her eyes while Winter was being carried away from the castle, she tried her best to release herself from the piece of cloth which was now tied around her hands but failed.

She tried to spit the cloth out of her mouth to scream for help but before she could succeed something hard hit winters head and that was the last she could remember.

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