Chapter 5

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Jacin reached the palace prison and reported to the head, "Sir, I was given orders to report here" the head looked at him, "Yes Sir Clay, I needed a person to guard a cell for a day as a guard was on leave and Advisor Park said that you were free so your place is prison 534"

That's strange, he was never free, he was guarding Winter so why would Aimery want him to report here leaving Winter alone, he felt that there was something wrong, he didn't like leaving Winter alone with that advisor but he can't do anything about it now.

He reached cell number 534 and stood by its side, his thoughts were still on Winter, he didn't know if she was safe, with Aimery tagging behind her she was never safe and he knew Aimery could never harm Winter as it would be suspicious.

No, if something happened to Winter then he would never forgive himself, he would kill Aimery if it went that extent, he had promised her father that he would always protect Winter.

Yes, Evret Hayle knew before handed that Levana would surely do something to Winter so he entrusted his father the duty of protecting Winter from that monster. Though Jacin was young that time he had always had that feeling of protecting Winter from any harm she faced.

He had developed that feeling from the time they were toddlers, he always had a soft spot for winter but he knew that whatever feelings of her he has in his mind could never happen with her being a princess and she was getting married to a king in addition to that.

King Kai would be perfect for winter, he could get her anything she wanted, as soon as he heard the news about Winter marrying the King he did a research about him, Kaito was a fair and just leader, he treated all his subjects equally and he was perfect in his duties.

He was also the most handsome person on earth and girls would practically fall over him, he also had an interest in music and could play various instruments to top that so he was practically a girl's ideal man.

Jacin sighed, King Kai could give Winter more than he could ever give and Winter would surely be happy with him given that he is good looking and kind which is really rare to see in a man, he was just a guard why would the Princess be with a guard.

He ended that thought and focused on his guarding keeping his mind blank, and he was guarding till the morning, the head came to him, "Your duty is over Sir Clay you can go back to your respective guarding."

He nodded and walked to the palace and to Winter's room, there was no one in the corridor nor there was any guard outside her room, this was really strange, guards and servants would always roam around the corridors no matter what but there was no one in sight.

He walked to her door and knocked, "Princess Winter" there was no response, he knocked again, "Princess winter are you in there" Winter didn't respond at all. "Princes can I come in?"

He couldn't hear any response so he opened the door and walked in, there was no one inside, he couldn't help but get suspicious, the princess was always in her room unless or until she had any work outside and he knew she would never get up this early in the morning nor would she step outside at this time of the day.

He looked around to find her but there was no sign of her, he went to her desk and found a note tucked under a paper weight before he could take the note the door opened

Queen Levana, Sybil, Aimery and a group of guards walked in along with Tressa, "Your majesty I searched for the princess but she was nowhere to be seen" Tressa said, she must have come to her room to get her ready for the Kings arrival.

Levana looked at him, "Sir Clay what are you doing here?" Jacin stood straight and bowed because that is what guards are supposed to do in front of the queen, "Your majesty I came here looking for the princess"

Levana gave a smug look, "And did you find her?" Jacin inhaled, "No your majesty" Levana saw the paper tucked under the paper weight, she pulled it out and read the note.

Whatever was in the note made Levana angry,"How dare she do this?" She said biting her teeth, "How dare she run away at this time?" Run away? Princess Winter would never run away from any problem, she is not such a coward.

"She knows that the king is coming today and ahh, how can she? What will I tell the king?" Levana said in anger, suddenly they heard the noise of the trumpet marking the arrival of the king.

Levana became frantic,"Oh, what am I supposed to do?" She said and placed the note on the table and walked out to meet with the king, the others followed her, Jacin caught Aimery giving a victorious look at the note and followed the queen.

Jacin became more suspicious, he took the note and read it,

Dear step mother,

I know you would be angry at me for doing this but I don't know what else to do, I don't like this wedding so I am running away please don't come looking for me


This didn't sound Winter at all and he knew that winter's handwriting is different than this, this is not Winter and something told him that Winter is in great danger

Jacin became frustrated, he shouldn't have left Winter alone with Aimery and he knew that Aimery has something to do with this. If anything happened to Winter than he would never forgive Aimery.

He had to save Winter, he knew that Aimery wanted to rule over Luna and kidnapping the princess was one of the steps in his to do list, whatever Aimery is thinking of is not going to happen. He had to find Winter before it is too late.

And the king has already arrived so he had to be quick, and he knew it is impossible to find Winter before the king left. To stop Aimery and save the kingdom he had to get winter soon but that was not possible.

A crazy idea struck in his mind, what if he made someone glamour themselves as the princess till the wedding, that would give him time to find the princess and in that way, no one would be suspicious and Aimery would never succeed in his plans.

Now who would do such a risky job? if they were caught then they have to walk into hell, there is no one he trusts, Tressa would never do such a job, she is not so talented with her glamour to hold it up for a long time and Kinney would not approve, and they will become suspicious of Tressa being away for a long time.

And there is no one else he knows, wait, there is that girl who is friends with Winter in the city, what was her name? Cinderella? No Cinder, yes he could ask her, Winter told that she works in Linh emporium and no one would be suspicious in that way and he really did sense that her gift was stronger than the usual citizens of Luna.

She was his only hope and the only girl who can save Luna

A/N- I hope you guys like the story and how it is going, thank you for 150+ views and don't forget to vote and comment


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