My newfound fear of moving stairs

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"Do you know this place Steve?" I asked as we left the store.
  "I used to. It's my old training camp from World War Two." Steve replies.
"What are the odds of that?" I said mainly to myself. We stopped in front of a moving staircase that apparently we were going to get on. I froze.
  "What is that?" I asked pointing at it.
  Natasha looked amused and confused at the same time. Steve just gave me an 'are you kidding me?' Look. "What HYDRA didn't tell you about escalators?"
  "No. And I'm not going on that." I protested.
  "Oh, please you always say you're tough and you can fight but the poor badass assassin can't ride an escalator." Steve teased. Grumbling I followed them on to it. Steve probably knew that would work on me.
  It wasn't too bad but moving stairs were still freaky. I looked around and noticed some men in black that seemed to be watching us.
  "Hey guys I'm pretty sure that some guys from HYDRA are stalking us." I said trying to be subtle. Natasha and Steve looked around at them.
  That's when Nat turned to Steve. "Kiss me." She ordered.
  Steve stared like she had told him to undress. "Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable." She explained before quickly kissing him.
   "Uncomfortable yet?" She asked after pulling away.
  I wish I could say a something interesting happened but nothing did. In fact all that happened was Steve led us into the parking lot and stole a four door pickup truck.
  "You know you're setting a bad example for the children of our country." I teased him as he picked the lock on the door.
  "Just for that you get in the backseat." Steve ordered.
  "Steve!" I whined. He pointed to the back sternly. Making a face at him I complied.
  "So where did Captain America learn to steal cars?" Nat teased further sitting shot gun with her feet on the dash.
"Nazi Germany and were borrowing so take your feet off the dash." Steve snapped.
"Jeez Steve you sound like mom." I complain.
"You two better stop acting like five year olds." Steve ordered.
"Or what you'll send your pet bald eagle to attack us?" I shot back.
"Quit it Katie I'm glad to have you back but your more annoying than usual." Steve snapped.
"Hey Steve can I ask a question? I'm not sure you'll answer." Nat asked breaking the small moment of silence.
"What is it?" Steve asked.
"Was that you're first kiss since 1945?" Nat asked smirking.
"Steve has never kissed a girl. Except that one receptionist but she kissed him so it doesn't even count." I muttered. Steve glared at me from the rear view mirror.
"I'm 95 not dead." Steve protests.
"So that receptionist was just practice?" Nat asks.
"No. I don't need practice."
"Everybody needs practice."
  "I do not need practice."
  "Is there a special someone Steve?" Nat asked ending the bickering.
  "No there isn't."
  "Why not?"
  "It's hard to find someone with shared life experiences."
  "So make something up that's how I live."
  "That's a terrible way to live."
  "It's a good way not to die."
  "It's hard to trust someone when you don't know who that someone really is."
  "Who do you want me to be?"
  "How about a friend?"
  "You might be in the wrong industry for that Rogers."
  "Agh! If this mushy stuff continues I'm going to puke!" I wailed.
  "Good thing we're here then. Kate you're on car watch duty. We'll be back shortly." Steve said as him and Nat got out of the car.
  "Wait what? Steve you promised I could help out!" I protested.
  "You are helping don't get the car destroyed." Steve said shutting the door. I huffed sitting back in the seat crossing my arms.
  "Unbelievable. I want to help take down HYDRA." I muttered.

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