Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

Jordi's POV

We went up to Evie's room and I could sense she was a bit scared of me. Like maybe she thought I was gonna try something but I honestly wasnt there for that.

'Evie you do trust me don't you' I asked. Holding her delicate hands.

'Babe of course I do why?' she asked. Looking concerned as she gripped into my hands.

'Because its like your mum thinks I'm only here for one thing and I don't want you thinking I'm gonna try anything cuz you know I would only do whatever makes you happy' I smiled.

'Naa don't worry about it Jordi. My mum just has this think around boys where she doesn't really want me doing anything stupid that could get me into trouble or anything I could regret.' She smirked.

'What if I want you to do something though?' she teased as she played with the zip on my coat.

I bit my lip as she started to undo my coat and even she was smirking at that.

'C'mon lets get into bed and watch a film' she said.

So here we were all cosy in Evie's bed. Just me and her like no one else existed. I wish sometimes it could be me and her against everything. I really have missed her these past two weeks.

I don't know when to tell her that in three weeks me and the boys are going away for a week. I don't want to tell her yet. Not right now anyway.

Laura's POV

'Ryan' I smiled as he was waiting for me outside the bus stop.

'Babe' he ran up to me hugging me.

I hugged him back of course and all but for some reason I didn't feel the same spark I usually felt for him.

I would usually be all over him but this time I kinda just acted like he was my friend.

'Are you okay babe? you seem a bit shy?' he smiled. Wrapping his arm around me.

'Look I'm not sure' i weakly smiled. Trying to hold back the tears.

The truth was. I was missing ollie. Like badly. What he did broke my heart. But it broke my heart because I love him.

If i didn't love him then it wouldn't have broken my heart. But it did. And I do.

I can't hold back the feelings. And I know he has feelings for me too because why did he try and make me jealous then? and why did he not take his eyes off me on that camping trip. And we had so many beautiful memories that I couldn't even replace with ryan.

Ryan's POV

At first I didn't say anything. But I could see it in Laura's eyes. She still loved ollie. And I honestly didnt mind. I knew she loved him. Of course I love her but maybe if she really wants ollie back then I need to just forget about it. I need to just stay friends with her and plus I loved her and ollie being together.

She was holding back tears I could see it in her eyes. She wanted ollie back for good and she hated what he had done and she realised he was sorry.

'Babe you love ollie don't you?' I weakly smiled. Wrapping my hands around her. Comforting her.

'I'm sorry' she broke out into tears.

'I thought me and you.. was what I wanted but I can't stop thinking about him. Ryan I'm so so so sorry. Please don't hate me. Still be one of my best friends like usual but please don't hate me' she cried.

'Babe babe babe. It's fine okay. I know you love him. You go and get him. Lets go, we'll call him and ask him to meet us okay. We need to speak to him for yours and his sake' I said pulling out my phone and handing it to her.

I still kept hold of her, hugging her tightly just for comfort. But I knew for a while now she liked ollie.

And another thing, ollie would be able to handle things better with a girl when me and the boys go away for a week with Blair and B.A.M. Atleast then I wouldn't have to put up with missing someone as much. Obviously i would still miss her and Evie. And harvey of course. But Ollie was better at this stuff than me.

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