Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Evie's POV

'1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 coming ready or not!' I finished counting and called out as I ran up the stairs to try and find where everyone was hiding.

I ran into the bathroom and checked behind the door. No one was there.

I ran to the computer/study room and looked under the desk. No one was hiding there either.

I ran across to Jordi's room. And went in the closet. At first I thought there was no one there but then I opened it wider and there was stood Harvey.

'Found you' I awkwardly said. Knowing that now I would have to kiss harvey.

'So now we have to uhh...kiss?' I blushed.

Harvey's POV

So Evie found me. This was gonna be awkward. Especially when the rule was that when you found someone you had to kiss them.

What made it more awkward was that first of all we were in Jordis room. Me and her had known eachother for years. We were best friends like boy and girl best mates... nothing more and now we had to kiss.

'Shall we pretend I either already have kissed you or shall I pretend I haven't found you and I carry on looking?' Evie looked at me awkwardly.

'I uhh.. don't mind' I slightly chuckled at the end so it wouldn't seem so silent and awkward.

'But you don't have to kiss me if you don't want to' I smiled.

'It's not you it's just that we've known each other so long and it wouldn't feel right because we're best friends and it would feel like kissing a girl' she explained.

'Oh so I'm a girl now' I winked.

'Oh no no no I meant like cuz you're my best friend. Well you and Laura are my best friends and kissing a best friend wouldn't seem right' she blushed.

'Lets get this out the way with' she added.

I didnt know whether to be hurt by that or .relieved.

Evie's POV

I pulled him a little bit closer to me and slowly kissed him. ON THE LIPS. Like Ryan had instructed the rule was.

It lasted for a few slow seconds and then I let go.

'Phew' he said. Looking like he wasnt feeling that awkward.

'Harvey' I said.

'Yes' he nodded.

'Did you feel like that kinda meant anything?' I checked.

'Umm' he stood there nearly going bright red.

'Well I guess I maybe did haha' he laughed nervously.

'Um. ' I gulped.

I kinda felt something when me and harvey kissed. But I couldn't. I couldn't because I loved Jordi. And I know this was only part of the game but I wish I never had to kiss harvey because now I feel like I like him.

Urghhhhh. Why did I always get this feeling around harvey recently. Like he wanted to be more than friends. Or was it just me who wanted to?

I couldn't tell anymore. I decided I would just leave it for now. Tell the others to come out because I found harvey.

But I guaranteed they would all be asking me how the kiss was and how it went with harvey.

Especially Laura. She would be the first to ask. Then Jordi would pretend he wasnt jel that I didn't find him first.

And.. the fact is that I would have to lie because I wouldn't exactly be able to say I felt something would I?

Maybe I was just being silly about the whole thing.

'Anyway lets tell the others I already found you now' I smiled awkwardly as I walked pass harvey. He followed me as I called out to the others.

'Guys I've already found harvey! come out now!' I called out.

Everyone piled out of the rooms and ran to the living room.

'OMG OMG so you and harvey kissed then right?' ryan fanboyed.

'Um yes' I blushed once again.

'Was it good? OMG was it perfect?' Laura asked, squealing and clapping her hands.

'It was just hardly anything really. I was hoping to find Jordi' I smiled. Walking over to Jordi hugging him and planting a kiss on his lips as I could see he felt awkward about me kissing harvey and a bit left out.

'Lets play again. Laura you can count!' ollie said.

'I might just stay downstairs and not play for a bit because I'm a tad tired sorry guys' I weakly smiled and threw myself on the sofa.

'I'll stay here with you then' Jordi hugged me. Kissing my head.

'Ok babe' I looked up slightly to him as his height nearly towered over me.

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