Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

Evies POV

A week later and the guys still weren't back. I hadn't even spoken to Jordi in a week. I figured they were obviously busy and probably didn't have the time to speak or contact us but that idea kind of annoyed me and irritated me really because what about when they become even bigger? more famous?

Soon they will be gone all the time and they won't even contact us all call us.. maybe me and Jordi will become distant. Maybe we will just break up from being too far away from each other all the time. Maybe that's just the way things are gonna be soon.

No. I couldn't let that happen.

I shouldn't really be thinking about it to be honest but I know that I might just have to accept it one day.

It was third lesson and we had two more lessons to go of school before the weekend. And then the half term! Thank god. If I have to look at one more smug popular face at that stupid school I won't be happy. They're all idiots at that school anyway, where popular is considered as being the nicest person ever, and shy is considered to be the most boring person ever. Ahah suckers.

When it got to the last lesson. I looked at the clock and we had a whole hour to go. We sat there in R.E and I wasn't even taking any notice of the teacher. I was clock watching every five minutes and each time I looked I hoped that we would only have about ten minutes left but turns out I was looking at the clock so much that only two minutes went by each time. Ughh this was taking forever. All the boys were acting like idiots again and I looked around to the back of the class to find Laura just say there tapping her pen on the desk as the two boys Connor and Steve sat there throwing paper airplanes at each other, most of them nearly poking Laura in the face.

That's it I could see that she had enough when she grabbed Steve's airplane and threw it on the floor yelling at him. 'Right throw that poxy airplane at me again and I will shove it up your'

'Eh hum.' miss interrupted Laura with a stern cough before she could say anymore.

'But Miss?!'

Laura argued.

'Enough Laura. One more word and you're out.' miss pointed the finger. I nearly stood up and said something but I knew that it would only make it worse.

After all the drama I looked out the window to see harvey waiting for us outside near the field.

Whoa. I thought. He's been let out early. That's when I looked at the clock and there were two more minutes left until the bell was about to go. Then suddenly the teacher was telling everyone to pack up.

'Have a nice half term everyone' she called as we all grabbed our bags and tucked in our chairs.

'RINNNNG' the bell rang like that about three times, having us all confused thinking it was the fire bell.

'WOOO' everyone shouted as they piled out of the classroom.

I waited for Laura while she put her tables' books away because they obviously couldn't be bothered to do it and we walked out of the class.

Laura's POV

That teacher is so unfair. So Connor and Steve thought it was clever to build paper airplanes and throw them over me to each other then when I try and stand up for myself I get the bloody blame. Ugh.

Finally when the bell rung, me and Evie walked out the class and went to meet harvey as he was stood there at the field.

'Hey girls, good lesson?' he asked as Evie was weakly smiling and I just stood there in a strop.

'It was ok' Evie smiled.

'Whoa who's in a mood then?' Harvey teased me, poking me in the back.

'Don't push it' I warned. Trying not to laugh.

'Oooh sorry Robertson' he laughed.

'Ayee?' I said slightly confused.

'Robertson. As in mrs Robertson as in you're gonna marry Ryan one day and become mrs Robertson?' Harvey looked at me trying to explain it. Then looked at Evie and laughed.

'Oh' I shook my head. Slightly confused and weirded out.

'Come on let's go' Evie smiled as we walked off to the gates.

That's when I thought about Ryan. Oh Ryan. I missed him so much. I missed everything about him. His smile his laugh, his voice, his hair. The way made me laugh when I was down. But now I was down and there was nothing he or I could do about it because he was still in Manchester.

Or that's what I thought anyway...

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