Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Ollie's POV

The next morning was so awkward. I said hi to Laura but she walked straight past me and ignored me.

We crossed on the landing where she needed to use the bathroom but so did I so I acted like the gentlemen I can be and let her go first but no she brushed straight past me and ran down the stairs to find Ryan.

Jordi and Evie said they were gonna go out to town and spend some time together away from all the drama. So it was kinda just me Ryan Joey and Laura.

Every time I went to sit next to Laura she moved away from me.

'Umm Laura. Please could we just sort this out?' I begged for forgiveness.

'I'll do anything and I am really sorry' I added.

'Look leave me alone.' She snapped back at me.

'We don't even have to get back together but can we be friends atleast?' I pleaded.

'That's it I've had it' she got up and rushed outside. She was in her really short shorts and her skinny little vest top and hoodie but she just slid on her converse and ran outside.

'I've got this' Ryan said.

URGH why did he have to keep acting like "the man" all the time and act like he's mr loverboy who can just skip into Laura's world and lift her off her feet.

I was sick of if.

Me and Joey just sat here in silence as I didn't know what to say.

Was joey the only one that could actually forgive me?

I hadn't even spoken to Jordi or Evie much and I had realized that Ryan just didnt want Laura to be hurt.

What was I gonna do now?

Laura's POV

I literally legged it outside I couldn't face him. I said I would walk out if he tried to speak to me.

So he thinks that we might aswell be friends now. So he wants to make up he said "atleast friends". Yeah well maybe he's gonna have to earn that back too.

He's blew it. He kissed that girl so why don't he go and find her and ask her to be "friends"?

All of a sudden the door opened again and I thought for goodness sake go away Ollie.

'Go away Ollie' I yelled as the person walked outside to the front garden and stood behind me.

But when I turned around it was infact Ryan.

'Laura it's me.' He smiled weakly.

He came over towards me as I slowly backed away.

'Babe I'm Ryan not Ollie?' he slightly giggled.

'Yeah but how do you expect me to trust boys now? I've had my heart broken before and now this. I thought Ollie loved me and I loved him but it can't go back that way' i said. A tear running down my cheek.

Ryan held both of my hands and wrapped them around his back as he clasped his hands around my waist.

'Baby. I know we aren't an item and you'll never want me. You'll never like me the way I like you but ill never hurt you. Okay and one day you will find a guy who is head over heels for you. He will hold you. He will kiss you and he will never let you go. Just maybe not Ollie' he reassured me.

'Ryan. Did you just admit you like me? I asked.

'Maybe I...'

Before he could even finish his sentence I fixed my lips to his. Pushing them right to his.

Not letting go.

I felt his touch all around my waist and his curls tickled my neck as we shared this intimate moment.

I grasped hold of his hand, clenching it and not letting go as he placed his beanie hat on my head and our lips released.

'I love you' the words fell from my mouth.

'W..w...what? i love you too!' he hugged me tightly.

I saw Ollie and Joey peering out the window as I quickly let go of Ryan.

'He's looking' I murmured.

'Oh frick!' Ryan cussed.

'Don't worry we can sort this out' he said.

'Um ok' I said slightly worried. I didnt care if Ollie was mad at me but he just couldn't be mad at Ryan. No way.

I could NOT be the reason for overload falling out before they even started out.

'One more thing' Ryan said as he kissed me on the lips one more time.

'Be my girlfriend' he said.

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