Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Ollie's POV.

Me and Joey went to get Blair but he was busy with B.A.M and getting them all ready for soccer six but harvey was free so he came and helped us look for Ryan and Laura.

On the way we explained to him what had been going on and I had never seen anyone look so shocked in their whole life.

'Whoa whoa whoa. Ollie that's cold man. You shouldn't have kissed a girl. Whether you though Laura could see you or not!' harvey frowned.

'I know I know. I'm a fool. But we need to find them. I just wanna make sure everything is okay between me and Laura now and make sure me and Ryan are good as well.' I explained.

'Ahh ok let's go to the skatepark then cuz I know ryan likes to go there on days off' harvey suggested.

'Okay' Joey agreed. As we all walked off to the skatepark.

Everywhere I could just see couples holding hands. Kissing. In all fairness I was waiting to see if any of the loved up couples would be Ryan and Laura. It wouldn't surprise me if it was them I saw to be honest. I wouldn't blame them. And I certainly wouldn't blame Laura. She deserved a nice guy like Ryan who wouldn't hurt her. But I just wanted her to know I was okay if she was seeing Ryan now.

Ok so yeah maybe i would get jealous as times but still. I wouldn't say or do anything mean.

Harvey's POV

When ollie and Joey explained to me what had happened I was so shocked. And even though I didn't wanna admit it to them all I could think about was I bet ryan and Laura are together now.

As we walked to the skatepark, the sun was still rising as it was still morning. It was 10:00am and in the distance I could see this boy in a beanie that kinda looked like Ryan.

Then I looked to the side of him to see Laura.

Well so I thought it was Laura. But the trouble was I didn't wanna say anything because I didn't want ollie to get upset but I kinda had no choice but to tell them I could see them because at the end of the day... that is who we were looking for.

'Guys guys guys, look' I pointed to where the couple were sat.

'That's them?!' Joey said.

'Yep I think it is. Lets go and see' ollie led us to the skatepark.

'Laura? Ryan?' ollie said.

'Hey Harv, ollie and Joey!' Ryan smiled.

Laura didnt say a word apart from 'oh god.'

I don't think she was pleased to see us. Well she wasnt pleased to see ollie then let's just say.

'Can I speak to you guys in private?' ollie asked as he looked at Laura and Ryan and then back at me and joey.

'Yeah sure' Ryan smiled.

'Yep that's fine' me and Joey agreed.

We stepped back and decided to wait the other side of the skate park while ollie had a little word with Ryan and Laura.

Laura's POV

Me and Ryan were sat there when harvey ollie and Joey came towards us. I hadn't really spoken to harvey since last night and Joey didn't seem to be that talkative recently since all this drama with me and ollie.

'Look guys' ollie began.

'I'm not here to cause any drama I just wanna say I'm sorry to both of you. For all the pain I've caused. I want you both to be happy and if that means you two have to date then it's fine by me. But please and I mean please can we all be friends?' ollie sat down next to us and his eyes filled with sorrow and guilt.

I had to think for a moment because what ollie actually had done was broke my heart and I couldn't just forgive him overnight. Could i?

'Well I forgive you mate but ollie. Please don't ever hurt a girl again whether its Laura. Evie. Or anyone you care about.' Ryan said as he then looked over at me.

'Okay look ollie. I understand people make mistakes. And I know this is a huge one but aslong as you're prepared to just be friends. Then that's fine. We are good. are we good?' I smiled.

'We're good' ollie smiled. Giving me a friendly hug.

'Sooooo guysss are you two dating?' ollie asked.

'Ollie!' I laughed.

'Well?' he leaned closer with a grin.

'Yes I guess.' Ryan spoke for me.

'Woooo you deserve to be happy' ollie pulled both me and Ryan into a group hug.

It felt so good that ollie and I could get along but as well me and Ryan could date and be open about it.

Evie's POV

Me and Jordi ran over to the skatepark as we saw harvey and Joey rush back over to Laura ollie and Ryan. What was going on?

'Guys?' Jordi asked in concern.

'It's fine. Me and ollie are friends again. And me and Ryan are dating. And Ollie's fine with it aren't you olikins?' Laura smiled.

'Yayayayy! why don't we all go out for pizza to celebrate?' I suggested.

'Sounds great!' ryan smiled.

'Yeah!' Jordi grinned.

'Actually guys do you mind if I stay back at the apartment. I'm not really feeling like pizza' ollie groaned.

'Sure. If you want we can get something else like chips or a Chinese or something?' I asked.

'Thanks Evie but its fine I wanna stay at home' ollie smiled.

'I'm gonna stay with you ollie. We can be single Pringles' Joey winked.

'See I would stay but I really fancy a pizza' harvey laughed.

'Ahha that's okay you can come with us ahah' Laura smiled.

'Let's go!' I said as ollie and Joey said they'd see us later and went back to the apartment and me, Jordi, Laura, Ryan and Harvey went to get pizza.

I was so happy that we were all friends again and I was so glad that Laura and Ollie were happy. Even if that did mean them just being friends.

Even though it was quite upsetting because of all the memories they had shared together.

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