Chapter Two

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Oak Woods was a twenty minute drive. Why was I wasting twenty minutes of my life going somewhere I didn't want to be?

Oak Woods was in a very sectioned off place from the rest of the town, regardless of it being twenty minutes away from Sandy's Ice Cream Shop.

There were a bunch of twists and turns to get to the parking lot of the woods. Past the parking lot, was a little area with benches to eat on, and then the gate to the woods itself.

I've only been here once, for a school trip. We didn't go inside the woods, because my classmates and I were only eight years of age, it would have been risky. Big woods, small students. It's a no-no.
We played games with another school in the area with the benches. Not the best place to bring kids to for games, but I remember having fun with my friends.

I don't remember seeing people go into the woods, but I could be wrong, I don't have a good memory. The woods looks like, woods. Obviously, Bella. But, it gives you an unsettling feeling. Like, you don't want to be there.

Before I knew it, I was pulling into my parking space. I parked next to Tyler's car, I know what it looks like from seeing it at school every day. I immediately got that unsettling feeling, I felt sick too.

I see Tyler waving like an idiot from one of the benches. I smile. I get out of my car, and I start running toward him. As I run through the parking lot, I turn my head to the left and right. No one else was here. I quickly get to Tyler, and he picks me up and spins me around in a circle. I laugh.

"You're not my boyfriend, stop that," I say in between laughs.
"And?" He asks, smiling.
"Nothing, what are we going to do here?" I ask.
"We're going to explore," he says with the same smile stuck on his face.
My expression changes, I'm no longer smiling.
"Tyler, I'm not going in there," I say, pointing to the woods.
"We're fine, we'll keep the gate in sight," he tells me.

I finally give in, and we walk in, closing the gate behind us. This already feels like a bad idea.


"See, this isn't so bad," Tyler says fifteen minutes into our walk.
"Maybe not, but you said we'd keep the gate in sight. I don't see it anymore." I reply.
"Let's go back then," he says.

We start walking back the way we came. Everything looks the same. Like, it seems like everything is mirrored. It feels as if we are in a fun house, but the mirrors show trees. Endless amounts of trees.

"We've been walking for at least ten minutes," I turn to Tyler.
"I know," he says, confused.
"Are we lost?"
"I'm afraid so, Bella."

I feel my heart start to race. This can't be happening. My palms get sweaty, and my ability to breathe becomes a struggle. My throat feels dry, as if someone sucked all the liquid out of it.

I push Tyler, "get us out of here!" I shout.
"I don't know how!" He yells.
"Use your phone," I suggest.
"No service."

I feel more uncomfortable standing here as every second passes by. I look around, hoping to see something. All I see is trees. I knew I should have just stayed home, I wanted to.

"Maybe we should keep walking around, we might have walked further than we thought," Tyler says.
"Okay," I reply, hoping that he's right.

As we walk, I check my phone to see if there's any service at all. All I get is one bar every three minutes, but it lasts for around thirty seconds.

"Get any service?" Tyler asks. He must have seen me check my phone often.
"No, you?"
"Let me check," he says as he starts to reach into his pocket. I can see his eyes widen.
"Bella, my phone isn't in my pocket!" He shouts.
I can feel my heart pounding, I'm concerned that it'll explode.
I go to reach for my phone, and I can't feel it in my pocket. I look at the ground, hoping to see it there. It isn't.

I push Tyler. "Give me back my phone!" I yell at him.
"Hey! chill! I don't have it!" He yells back.
"What are we going to do?" I ask.
"I don't know, what time is it?" He asks.
"How am I supposed to know the time if our phones are nowhere to be seen?" I say, walking to the nearest tree. I lean against it, and slide to the ground, putting my head into my lap.

"Do you think," Tyler says while walking toward me, "that we'll be stuck in here forever--like that lady?"
"Don't say that," I say, lifting my head up out of my lap. "We'll find a way out. Hopefully."

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