* Chapter 5 *

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I woke up at morning with a terrible headache and found myself in an unknown, simple decorated room. I tried to look around but everytime I turned my head, the pain grew. I put my hands on my head but I touched something!

It was a band-aid !

" Ouch " I mumbled.

I kept asking myself where was I, and what was that while looking for my phone.

I turned my head and finally found my phone and a glass of water with medicine on the bedside on my left.

I tried to reach the beside to get my phone but failed when I felt cold. I peeked under the cover and got very surprised when I realized that I was wearing only underwear.

I started to panic. I was scared.

How did I get here? Who brought me in here? Why am I even here half naked?

I should be at work by that time.

I stood up and began walking in the room, I felt my body very weak and my head spinning. I found the bathroom and entered it in order to wash my face.

I opened the water and washed my face I had no idea why the cold water hurt me. but I got the answer as soon as I lifted my head and saw my awful figure in the mirror.

My face was full of bruises and oh my God!

I looked at my body and found the bruises :

Down my thighs.

My chest.

My arms.

And my knees.

That was horrible. How did I arrive to this state?

Tears started running down my cheeks and I didn't feel myself good.

I went back and looked around the room once again. A big bag on the black small desk caught my eye I directly went and opened it. I found jeans, a sweater and sneakers.

I wore them without thinking then sat on the edge of the bed, I put my head in my hands and wanted to run away from this room or house that I've never been into.

As I decided to get up, I heard a knock on the door then it slided open and a head popped inside, I stood on my feet and just felt my knees went weak after seeing :


" good morning, you are awake! " the boy said while taking two steps inside the room.

I got up so quickly and took three steps back.

" where am I ? what did you do to me ? why am I even here? and why the hell did I find myself half naked in this room " I was crying and screaming at the same time.

" Just let me explain, okay? " he put his hands in the air to calm me.

" don't explain, I understood

everything! just tell me why did you do that? why! how do you know me! I mean i've just seen you twice at work! " tears didn't seem to stop from falling as I spoke.

" Amy just listen to me, and let me tell you what happened " he was coming closer. shit.

" DON'T! " I told him in a tone I didn't know I had.

I went back to the near bed and got my phone I called Jamie without thinking and he answered the second tone

" Good morning Amy, how are you? "

" Jamie can you please come and get me from wherever I am ? "

" yeah, sure. where are you?

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