* Chapter 24 *

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" Good morning miss Hipp. " I greeted miss Hipp, standing in her office door.

" Oh, hello Amylee, how are you? Are you okay? You are very pale, and you eyes are surrounded. " She welcomed then told me what she noticed.

" Euhh yes, I had a bad night yesterday, and I haven't eaten anything this morning, so this might be the reason. Anyway any work today? " I cleared my throat.

" You could have stayed home, but i'm glad you came because Mr. Millit has a meeting in less than an hour, and he wants you with him so you can write down every detail during the meeting. "

" Aha. Okay, I'll grab a few things from my space and i'll go to his. Thank you. "

I put my hand on my forehead, while walking out from her office and looking down at the floor, to bump into someone, those arms were made to keep me from falling.

" Eumm i'm sorr-- " I barely apologized when " Morning baby, this is me. "

Harry. Everytime he pronounces this 'baby' my heart beats fast and my legs weaken. He kisses my cheeks.
" Oh glad it's you, I thought I dumped into someone and I was going to start with my sorry's. How are you? "

" I'm good, but you don't sound like you are. "

" No, no, i'm just... I didn't have enough sleep last night that's all. And thanks for what you did, I really appreciate it. "

" Love you. Gotta work now, see you at lunch. "

I made my way to Mr Millit's, though I had a headache I was obliged to work.


The meeting went easier that I thought, it wasn't boring one bit; this was the first time I attended a meeting so I was satisfied; I thought meetings were nothing more than boring but i'm glad I was proved wrong.

I ran to the canteen in order to have some time with my Harry but I was disappointed when I didn't find him, he suddenly came and blocked my view with his palms on my eyes. I turned around and kissed his cheek, then a voice in my head claimed : don't you think you start getting used to kisses and what happens in a relationship? I furrowed my eyebrows then put my ass on the chair.

" I heard you had a meeting with the boss, how was what? " Harry asked after putting the food in front of me.

" It went well, better than I expected.. "

After eating, I knew that Harry wanted to say something, but he sort of kept hesitating so I insisted on fiding out what was going inside that head of his.

" Harry, tell me. I'm sure you want to say something. "

" Yes, I do. Mmm my cousin's getting married soon and i've been invited to his wedding, my uncle really wants me there and I don't want to go on my own.. so I was thinking that we could go together and have some fun.. "

" Is that all the deal? You could have asked me you know I wouldn't say no to these beautiful eyes that make my heart melt at the sight of them." He laughed and hugged me thanking me for keeping him company, he doesn't want to go but he will.

He dropped me by the house, Natalie's home, since her car is here, I entered and talked with her a bit.

" Hey I got good news! " I announced.

" What!!? " *o*

" I've got a wedding ! Going with Harry to his cousin's wedding! "

" Wow girl! That will be amazing, really. The good thing is that he thought of taking you with him.. Nice move Harry. " +
" SO WE GOTTA FIND YOU SOMETHING TO WEAR ! " She suddenly screamed..

" Wait, wait.. Don't get too excited birdy, I don't even know when will this ceremony be.. Shit.. Forgot to ask him! "

" There's an invention called 'cell phone' " she whispered.

" Noway! I was with him an hour ago, no I should wait. I will ask him tomorrow. "

" As you like. " ;)

Natalie began laughing her usual laugh, I shouted at her jokingly, imagining the scene of me and Harry in our own wedding dancing like two mad.

- Bed time

Is it me or my head? What I spent with Harry from the day I met him till now is passing by like a movie, I found myself sometimes with a smile on my face and other times with a tear in my eye.

Until, fast asleep.

Work time came, the alarm of my phone didn't want to stop, I wanted to throw it away but realizing this way my phone made me back up. I woke up with an unbelievebale energy, rushed up to the bathroom to take a bath.

I washed my body and hair, rinced and wrapped myself in a towel.

7:20. Gotta speed up a bit. I wore a long skirt with a pink sleeved shirt, and jeans jacket with my vans.

7:40 After applying my make up and preening myself I was ready to go.I even forgot to ask Harry when is the wedding, but since he hasn't mentioned yet, I had to wait.

Weekend. Yay.

Natalie made me call Harry to ask him about the date of the wedding,

" Hey baby "


" Hello ? " He repeated.

" Here.. How are you Haz? " My tongue couldn't move inside my mouth after hearing his usual romantic words, guess I wasn't just not used to them yet.

" I'm good, chilling up. You? "

" I'm fine too.. sitting with Natalie. " I managed to say.

" Oh cool, say hi " Didn't need to tell her, her ear was already stuck on my phone.

" Harry, I wanted to ask you if you have any idea about the date of the wedding hmm? "

" I was going to text you to inform you that it's tomorrow I talked with our director, asked him for a short holiday for the two of us. "

" Oh! You did?! " I questioned him and Natalie jumping next to me.

" Yeah he accepted, wishing us a nice trip. "

" Ohhh.. Thank you. "

" We need you passports..+ " He added an information.

" Passport?! Don't tell me, we're travelling by plane! "

" Yes! Are you the type of person that starts yelling and trembling while being in the plane? " I've never been on a plane, jerk.

" No, no. I'm just surprised, my passport is ready, I had to get it ready last summer, we were travelling somewhere but didn't. "

" Very good! See you tomorrow. " Hung up. Fly? Tomorrow? I was giving answers automatically but when the word 'tomorrow' crashed my brain I started yelling Natalie followed, it's like she was the one invited. I was still shocked, I haven't prepared anything...

" Natalie! It's tomorrow! No dress. No clothes nothing is ready OMG! ".

" Relax Amy, he said everything is ready, you just need one outfit and the wedding gown. No stress okay? "

" Where's that dress Nat! "

" Don't freak out, Natalie and her bag from Paris are here! " I was relieved to hear her say that, she had a great taste in choosing outfits.

" Let's go and try some dresses! "

Both of us leaped to her room and started looking for a fit dress.

Midnight. Still trying dresses.

Natalie showed up, with a very pleasant dress in her hands, I knew it was the one when I saw it.


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