* Chapter 16 *

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We stayed a couple of hours near the resuscitation room, waiting for Jamie to open his eyes, but he did not. Our worry was growing with each passing second. Sarah told me he went to see his friend before the sunset but he didn't come back, she thought it was normal but hours later she received a call from the hospital, they told her what happened. In his way back from his meeting with his friend, a van which contained an intoxicated driver was speeding, and it was driving in the opposite direction hit him forcefully and quickly which gave him no time or way to escape, so he was the victim of a drunk man late at night.
It was at that moment ten pm, Jamie had a surgery, he had many bruises on his face which was the only part uncovered when I saw him. Nati and I have done our best to calm Mr and Mrs Baker but they couldn't help it, after all he was their only child that came to life with difficulty.

" The patient opened his eyes! " The doctor yelled as we all rushed to the glass that showed the inside of the room Jamie was in.
He could barely move his index and open his eyes. Sarah cried from the happiness when she saw that her son came back conscious.

" Please can we get in to see him? " Sarah begged the doctor.

" Who are you ma'am? " She held her husband's arm and said " His parents. "

The doctor took ten seconds or something to answer" I'm sorry, but he had just opened his eyes and he's still under the anesthesia effect and none can enter the room. We'll inform you once we move him from this room. "

" Okay. Thank you. " His mum said sadly and calmly.
The phone in my coat pocket rang and I found two texts and one missed call : All from Harry.
I walked several steps away from Jamie's parents and Natalie so as to talk to him comfortably.
" Hey Harry. "

" Hi Amy, Euh sorry I texted you twice but when you did not answer, I thought something was going on with you. "
When I was going to respond Natalie came to me, about to speak but I lifted a finger to silence her, and she crossed her arms over her chest, her thumb on her lower lip, looked like  she figured out who I was talking to.

" Ah, i'm okay, thanks and sorry if I made you worry. "

" You don't look like you're home, correct? " He noticed.

" Yeah, I am not, actually Jamie had a car accident and i'm in the hopsital with his parents. "

" Oh, i'm sorry, is he okay now? "

" We have no idea, he is in the resuscitation room and we hope he'd heal real soon. "

" In which hospital? "

" What? "

" In which hospital are you? "

" The ambulance brought him to Union Hopsital or something... "

" Yeah, yeah it's not too far. I'll be there in a few. "

" What?! Harry no.. no need it's okay really, don't! You still didn't recover and..- "

" Amylee i'm changing my clothes, see ya. "
He hung up, not leaving me a chance to argue back. Oh!  I pulled back the phone into my pocket as Natalie's eyes narrowed, waiting for an explanation.

" Harry's coming. " I announced while my hands flew in the air.

" Oh, that's so nice from him, eumm. " she said in a mocking tone, then added " He. Likes. You. "

" What? Natalie c'mon from where do you bring all of this! Why would an incredibly handsome man leave all London's beautiful girls to like a silly, stupid girl? " I pointed with my finger, myself from top of my head to my toes.

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