* Chapter 21 *

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You could say I was the happiest boy ever, I never felt so close to her, but all those beautiful feelings broke as soon as she pulled me away and cleared the reason why then ran from my house. I felt guilty a little bit because I was the one who first kissed her and did all of that; I sat on my couch, my hand on my forehead, thinking over for minutes. I came back to earth when I heard my door being knocked again. I rushed to the door and opened it hoping it was Amylee but I got disappointed by seeing the postman standing in my door. Why would Amylee come back? what would she do here? I felt that I made her do something she was afraid of doing, I didn't know how was she feeling right now.

" Good morning Sir, You're Harry Styles, right?" I nodded; " This is a mail for you, I was going to put it the mailbox right there but I was told to give it to you in your hands. Here. " He handed me the covered paper, I thanked him and closed the door, just as I was going to find out what was in the paper, he re knocked on my door. I cursed and opened only to receive the red haired girl back into my arms. She kissed me so harshly, a wanted kiss, full of lust, then she held me into a tight emabarace, I didn't understand what was going on, but I smiled at that. I closed the door with my foot, as she continued to kiss me, then pulled away for a second : " Harry, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you, I really regretted that. " She cleared for me things then came back to kisses. I obviously turned them back, we walked to my couch and sat on it, firstly having some strong and delicious kisses, she gave me an access to her mouth. Would I lie if I say these are literally the best kisses? Even if this girl has never kissed, she seemed to be a professional. She never kissed anyone, but me, that gave me such a special feeling. She started to open her blouse but I stopped her by putting my hand on hers, I finished the kiss then cleared for her things myself " Amylee I don't want to do that right now, I think it's too early for us to just bang into that, I can feel that you aren't ready and I can wait, I think we're going too fast. I'm sorry. I was always by your side and i'll always be. Everything can happen when both of us are ready, plus there... there's nothing between us. I mean something official. " She nodded and seemed sad, not about my decision but maybe about something else. I understood when she spoke up " Harry, why did it happen to me? Why me? Now i'm the most scared and stupid girl on earth... " I pulled her into a tight hug, then she put her head on my chest and continued talking " I can't do anything, I think i'm just going crazy, i'm not being myself anymore, I do a million nightmares in one night, I get so weird when I walk outside, I keep looking at people, fear won't let me Harry. It won't. " She cried between my arms as I felt her tears over my shirt, " Shhh I'm always with you. None will ever dare to hurt you again. Promise. " I promised her and rubbed her back. We stayed cuddling for minutes then she apologized.

" Natalie's going out from the hospital today, they had to let her stay for a few days until she fully recovers. I'm going to get her now. I'll see ya later? " her statement came more as a question and I nodded.


I left Harry's house for the second time, but this time, it was different. I left proud of him and of myself. His talk made sense to me. He grew in my heart everyday. I arrived to the hospital and found Natalie ready with Jamie next to her in the room.

" She's finally here. " She winked at Jamie.

" Sorry guys. I think I took some time. " I apologised.

" Where were you? " Natalie smiled and Jamie followed. There was something behind that smile; I suddenly began to blush and tried to come up with a lie " Well I... actually needed some time alone, I went for a walk. Alone. " I said the word 'alone' twice once I saw Natalie's mouth opening again.

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