* Chapter 22 *

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Saturday 25 January. 10:14pm

I sat on my couch, the single paper between my fingers. I read all of it quickly at first, then re read it slowly.

I was surprised in fact, not expecting this one bit. I read the letter once more.

Hello Harry, I hope you're doing fine. I know it's been a long time since we contacted but I needed to send you this. My son Richard is going to marry his beautiful fiancée Helena and I invent you to their wedding that will take place the 29/01. Please don't let me down, be there. And we'll need to discuss a few things when you arrive. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.


This was my uncle, I haven't seen him in so so long, he lives in a town in England, he was very poor then suddenly became very rich. He still lives in that lost village in England, searching another residence. Since he is a bit complicated, he didn't like all the wonderful houses they showed him. His is so big and you can have anything you want there, but he wants to change it. So my cousin is going to get married and i'm invited. Weird, we never had some tight connection or anything, I didn't even know if I should go or not.



" Good morning ! " Natalie yelled in my ear.

" Arghhh Natiii let me sleeeep ! " I tried to cover myself but she took my pillow and blanket and ran from the room. " Since I came to live with you I haven't woken up normally ! " I added, shouting in order to make her hear me. Then I remember that when I slept at Harry's, I woke up real normal.

Remembering Harry, I grabbed my phone to send him a message but found one from him instead. { Good morning Am's ! If you're free today can we meet up? Since it's weekend. :) }

{ Hey x. Yeah no problem! } I sent him my answer. Natalie shouted for me to come for breakfast as I did.

We ate our breakfast peacefully then I went to prepare myself because Harry would come at any minute.

I put a light gray mini skirt on with a long sleeved navy blue top, and let my hair natural, also, mascara. Took my sun glasses. And ready!

Ding Dong! The bell rang, and Natalie was the one who answered.

" Oh, hi Harry! How are you? " I heard her say.

" I'm okay, I should ask about you ! How are you doing? " He asked her back.

" Yeah, i'm alright. Recovering... "

I joined them to the living room and waved at Harry 'hi' with a warm smile. " So you're ready? Shall we leave? " He questioned and I nodded, I walked to the door and kissed Natalie good bye, as she winked. Oh c'mon ! Natalie and those signs...

We climbed in Harry's car as he started the engine and drove away.

" So where are we going? " I spoke up.

" I was sure you can't keep the question to yourself, you are always like that. " He mocked me in a funny way as I rolled my eyes. " 'Just somewhere to hang out. "

The drive seemed short as we arrived to my favourite place The beach. Our favourite place now.

I got out of the car, removed my shoes then began to run as the air played with my hair, and tickled my body. Harry sat down on the sand, just watching me.

I kept running, jumping, and breathing in and out without getting tired one bit. I exhaled all the stress and bad feelings that were pent-up inside me. I then, joined Harry on the sand and put my head on his shoulder, inhaling more fresh air. We stayed in a comfortable silence, admiring the waves and the beautiful sky-blue colour. The beach is beautiful either in the morning or at night, it always gives you the most special feeling that you even wonder where does it come from.

I was lost in thoughts when I felt a cold hand on my own hand, obviously Harry's.

" I almost forgot why I brought you here. " He began to speak and continued, stuttering; " I don't even know from where I should start. This is so odd to me... " I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows since I didn't know what did he mean. I carried on listening in order to get his point : " I.. I brought you to your fav place, to... to.. well I don't want to repeat the same mistake, but with your pure soul i'm sure I will not regret this. Aaaah do you wanna be my girlfriend? " He blurted out and he caught me completely off guard ! I was never expecting this, right now. I removed my head from my shoulder and looked at him, his green eyes were sparkling, as his dimple appeared, I wanted to make him repeat himself just to believe, but I somehow had a feeling it was real. His hand was still above mine, he spoke up " I brought you here to ask you out ! " He avouched. I smiled, the most beautiful, and warmest smile, my heart began to race, I was afraid I was going to be dead and not enjoy this ! " And I with a huge honnor accept. " He put his arms around my shoulders, and held me into a very tight embrace, giving me a kiss in my hair, then moved to my lips. Is it a coincidence that we always have our kisses randomly BUT in the best places and sexiest moments? I turned it back directly and savoured the scent of his perfume, the air tried to stop us, but what a hot kiss, it could even get over the cold air of the beach, and make us tepid.

" This is a wonderful thing Harry, you are a very important and good impact on my life. I first of all hated you, for some silly reasons but the minute I entered your soul, and examined your big heart, I knew that i'd never regret meeting you either. Thank you, for saving me from many bad situations. And i'm ready to start an all new and first relationship with you. One tickle to my first boyfriend ! " I explained to him, with chuckles, and then tickled him in his hips, as he startled laughing suprisingly and loudly. We cachinnated for a couple minutes, later on Harry suggested to take me on our first date, right away. Which was lunch.

" No! Harry! I'm not even ready, I just put on some normal clothes and came! And I don't want our first date to go this way, I want it to be good planned and ... You know ! " He nodded then declared " You're always beautiful anyway. " I blushed involuntarily as he mocked me, using his fingers to play with my cheeks.

I would rather live forever than comeback to earth, hell I should say.


" I'm back ! " I informed Natalie.

" Hey girl ! Come here, i'm in my room. " She answered immediately.

" Natalie what are you doing? You haven't entirely recovered! " I yelled at her when I saw her folding up her apparel and making effort.

" Nothing, just sprucing up my garments, don't worry. I'm okay. So where have you been all day? "

" I'm sure it's unhealthy for you! Nati. " She rasied a finger in my face and pronounced " Don't you try to change the subject. Waiting for an answer! "

" Okay! HARREY ASKED ME OUT ! " I said in a whisper/shout tone, I clapped my hands and bounced as Natalie opened her mouth, agape she had the same reaction as mine, We both bounced on her bed, as her clothes fell to the floor, she hugged me and shouted, happier than me, perhaps. She suddenly stopped and put her hand on her belly, " Amy stop stop! I can't breathe! " My smile turned into a scary expression as I asked her what was the problem several times but she couldn't even form a sentence. After some minutes of fear she uttered impulsively " Pranked ya ! "

" You fat ass !! " I punched her, laughing; my hand on my heart.

I told Natalie about my phenomenal day, every single detail of it. As I smiled at every detail, and my stomach kept growling and my heart racing...

" Good night! " We whispered to each other then fell fast asleep.

( Hi so I know this is a very short chapter. But believe me i've been horribly busy recently I barely have time to put my ass and rest for an hour, i'm really fed up and tired from school and I write for you at every chance I get. So I chose not to take a long time and give you at least a small update, read this chapter and enjoy and the next chapter is gunna be better promise ! I got you some good ideas, next chapter : the date and other things ! So be ready and support me please ♥


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