chapter 3

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It all happened so fast. To say someone whould shoot an arrow at Shadow's face and succeed on hitting him was really ironic. Akihito fell from his horse. His wolf mask protected his face... mostly. He could feel the sting of the scratch on his cheek, it was slightly bleeding.

He panicked. Old habits die hard they say, and growing up in a place like Glass Castle made him self concious about his beauty. Listening always to the same lecture, 'take care of your beauty and body, they are everything you have'. He ran to the lake nearby and crouched in front of the water to inspect the skin of his cheeks.

"Oh God..." he sighed. "Why I am acting like this anyways?" He mutered, but deep inside he was just relieved that the faint scratch wouldn't leave any marks. But his wolf mask... it was completely ruined.

"Guess I am not a lone wolf anymore..." he said, looking down at the ruined mask in his hand, a warm little smile on his pretty lips, "I am not even a wolf for that matter, it seems." He looked around, pulling out the black scarf that was a part of his famous dark outfit and covered the lower part of his face. It wasn't safe walking around without his mask, not just because someone would recognize his looks but also because of his function as a faceless spy.

That morning he decided to give Kirishima some rest. His training partner - in Kirishima's own point of view, the spolied brat only wanted to torment him with his antics and showing off his amazing aim and skills and he couldn't do any thing about it. He couldn't even refuse to 'train' (play) with him since Asami's sadistic nature loved to watch with a pround glint in his yellowish eyes, as the boy showed everyone who was the most talented archer they would ever get to know. Himself.

Akihito blushed under the black scarf that covered the lower half of his face, remembering why he felt suddenly too shy to face Asami or Kirishima that morning. He'd had a wet dream last night and couldn't help but jerk off a couple of times before falling asleep, exhausted. It wasn't his fault that the general was so hot, always being stubborn and ordering Akihito to do things that wasn't his job... like wash the older man's hair or rub his large and strong back with a sponge.

'I am not his maid, I am a warrior for God's sake' he thought. 'Did he ask other people do this for him?' He wondered. The mental image of a big and muscled guy like Suoh rubbing Asami's back had Aki widening his eyes in shock. He pulled strands of hair with both hands before remembering to pull the hood over his head to better hide his looks. This wasn't a proper moment to be distracted by stupid thoughts. Someone had almost killed him, after all.

Climbing back up on his horse, Akihito went a little farther and entered the woods. He was far from the current camp when he noticed something strange, a feeling that he was being watched. After checking the perimeter, he found ashes scattered from the remains of a campfire. 'Someone is really bad at covering their tracks' he thought.

Maybe he should go back to the camp and let them know that someone is spying on them. Maybe he should at least get someone to cover his back while he was investigating the intruder, but he didn't.

Akihito had hit his head when he fell but he wasn't going to tell any one. He didn't need a worried overprotective general locking him away for his safety. The one who dared to spy on their camp and shoot him with an arrow was going to pay... as soon he got his hands on him.


General Asami smirked when Kirishima presented himself for the morning meeting.

"That wild pup give you a rest?"

"Asami dono..." Kirishima hesitated a little bit, clearing his throat, "Sorry for my-"

"Its okay, just spill."

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