chapter 11

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Yuri smiled wearily and approached Akihito's cell.

"I hope you don't think too badly about my cousin for this. He has been through his fare share of trials. That have turned his outlook on life rather gray. There is no more color in his life sense Annie passed" Yuri said while testing the keys for Akihito's cell.

"Why are you helping me, I thought you were supposed to be buying me...or receiving me as a gift." Akihito spat the words out as if they were bile on his tongue.

Yuri paused fiddling with the door to give Akihito a sincere look filled with hollow sadness. "The only reason I had asked Michael to give you to me was because I owe your brother for saving my life, and in return he asked me to free you. I am fulfilling my side of the bargain. But before I could do that you escaped on your own. I was only lucky to have seen you being dragged back to the castle the other day...You seamed to be fighting for your life. It hardened my resolve to go against my family and free you."

Yuri grappled with the lock then and swung the cell door open, stepping out of the way so he could get through. Akihito stood up from the ground but before leaving he headed over to where his bow was stashed under his hay bed. When he turned around Yuri's eyes widened slightly as he raised his brow.

"What? You didn't think I was going to stay in here and just wait for that bastard to decide my fate!?!"

Yuri shrugged before turning around to lead the way. Instead of going up the stairs he lead them down a narrow hallway. It was dark, the torches were lite but far in between. They passed several more cells, that were no more then dug out holes in the walls.

The farther they went down the darker and colder it got. It didn't help that Yuri stayed eerily silent the whole way. All you could hear were their foot steps and the occasional water drop from the leaking ceilings. The longer they walked the louder Akihito's heart beat in his ears. Till it was a constant earthquake through his eardrums. The the place kept getting darker and darker, there were no longer any cracks that let in light. Almost like they were heading under ground.

Finally too spooked out to go any further Akihito grabbed a torch from the wall, being careful not to burn his hands and held it defensively in front of him. Yuri stopped, glancing back to look at him only to be met with a glare.

"Where are we going? Where are you taking me?" He was seethed

Yuri didn't answer, silently he kept the lead. Akihito knew he couldn't trust him but he was his only way out of this hell hole.


Meanwhile Asami had put together a small force of his best to raid the brothrel and free Akihito. Finaly Micheal would be put down. Akihito, his lover, will be back where he belonged.


Sorry for the short chapter guys.

You should be happy to know I'm not DEAD!!

I'm just putting the final touches onto the last chapters and they will be out soon.

And a special shout out for MERAGESGHDA  who without I could not have finished this project. Thank you so much!!!!

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