Chapter 7

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Akihito waited for his customer in his room, he had made a make shift blade out of some hair clips and a razor one of his juniors forgot in his room. He had made it after having been informed of his fate moments earilier. Aparently a rich and influential man had come to play with him. He couldnt have cared less even if he was the king, he had only just tasted freedom just to have it torn from. If he ever came across Sudoh ever again he was going to kill him.

But he didnt have much hope to the thought, he would never get the chance to escape ever again. Michale was more warry of him now, he has extra guards around his quarters, and almost no space between there shifts. He was forever trapped in this hellhole!

What made it worse was there is a possibility Asami was in town, only 30 meters away. Yet he was stuck here, and Asami probably thought he was a deserter anyway.

'when did I become so glum?' Aki thought to himself, he felt lost and alone.

The night Akihito was sold back to the Glass Castle he had found out that his brother, Fei Long, had been bought by Yoh only a few short weeks after he escaped. Now he was utterly alone here trapped and caged from the outside by thin sheet of glass. 'If only I could break it, bit nothing less then a meteor would break these walls.' He sighed sadly.

He could hear the heavy foot steps of his soon to be assaulter coming down the hall, getting ever closer by the second. Akihito turned away from the door not wishing to see the mans face, so he would never have to remember the features of the man who would steel his virginity.

'Michale must be pissed, he always wanted to be my first. He often bragged about it.' The thought made Akihito smile visousely. 'serves him right!'

Suddenly the steps halted, the sound of his door knob turning reached his ears. Akihito just couldnt resist his curiosity getting the better of him, he turned towards the door. Hoping for the man to at least come close to being, at least a fraction as attractive as Asami.

The door creaked open.

♣♣♣hehe I'm a jerk♣♣♣

Suoh follow the young man, Kou, down a few alleyways till he reach one of the unsightly parts of town. Where drunks laid unconscious perched up on the side of buildings. Yet he still followed him wondering where this curious little bunny was leading him, and how he was connected to shadow.

When they reached a large house...well stone building that looked like the walls were made out of mud. Kou ducked inside through a large crack in the wall, muttering "wait" and he was gone.

When he returned he did so with another boy. He looked slightly older probably around shadows height and age. He had short drown hair, and tan fair akin. But his eyes looked older then he appeared. He surveyed suoh looking him up and down before folding his arms across his chest in an attempt to look menacing to the new commer.

"How do you know the boy in the wolf mask?" He asked his tone cold.

"He was a comrade of mine. He joined  Asami-sama's army after trying to steel one of our horses." Suoh saw no point in lying to them, they knew something about shadow that he needed to know as well if he wanted a chance at putting Asami back together. Plus he had grown rather fond of the boy.

The new guy seemed to acknowledge his word but still seemed skeptical. "How do we know what your saying is true. What was his real name?"

"The fact that I knew he wore a wolf mask, should be proof enough. Am I right? And he never told us for some odd reason, I wont know till I find him."

The man sighed that took suoh slightly by surprise. "That does sound like him.....well then the names Tokato nice to meet ya!" He held out his hand for suoh to shake.

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