chapter 8

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At that moment a shout was heard from down the hall, Asami grabbed Akihitos hand and shouted "RECEDE!"

He dragging Akihito out of the room, and into the hallway. Akihito was still stunned from the coffession, he didnt notice Michaels men closing in on them.until Asami stopped and Michale come to the front of the pack.

"What is the meaning of this?" Asami asked, his voice cold.

Michale only smiled, "you didnt really think I would let you walk out of here with my Uncle's favorite toy, when we just got him back. Oh no, I am going to kill you and give dear Aki-chan to Yuri as a birthday present in two days from now. And to make sure you dont make a run for it like your subordinate earlier, though I suppose he was going to get back up sense he was nothing but an archer. about we finish this before they get here?"


Suoh was lifting the flap to exit Asami's tent when a commotion at the front of their camp reached his ears. Seeing that at the moment this was more important then the information he had gathered such turned on his heals and stomped throught the camp. He found kirishima jad just arrived on his horse bruised and a long, bleeding scar across his cheek. Suoh was by his horse immediately, "What happened? Where is Asami?" He asked as kirishima dismounted, and started walking with Suoh to Asami's large tent where they could talk in peace without over prying ears.

Safely inside the tent kirishima started "Asami amd I went to the Glass Castle when we got there Asami told me to go check out the owner Michale's office sense he seemed suspicious. I wasn't cautious enough and one of Michale men saw me leaving, and he sent his men after us. Michale is a spy from our enemy; he has been hiding in this city for years. Making a living steeling, raising, and selling young children as sex slaves."

Suoh scrunched his nose up in disguste. "And Asami?"

Kirishima looked at his friend with worry in his eyes "He told me to retreat and retreive reinforcements, I left him their with shadow."

"Shit!.......wait... you found shadow?!" Suoh eyes widened.

Kirishima started paising then "Yes, but we need a way to get back to the Castle. It wont be easy Michale is on high alert now." He asked more to himself then anyone else.

Suoh smiled and grabbed kirishima's arm "get pur most trusted men, I know someone who might be able to help us." Kirishima nodded and they both rushed put of the tent to get ready for battle.


When Michaels men slowly started to advance Akihitos suddenly pulled Asami in the room next to them slaming and locking the door. He ran over to the dresser and knocked over to block the door. He then went to the makeup station and moved aside a giant body mirror that could fit three people comfortably to reveal a hidden door. He threw it open and tried to push Asami through it.

"What are you doing Akihito? Where does that lead?" Asami asked a bit of worry leaking into his voice, cause of a proposition that was yet to come.

The soldiers from outside were now banging on the door and yelling "It leads to my friends, go down three holes then take two rights and a left you will reach their passage, pull on the fire holder and a hidden door will open go in it, tell them I sent you; they will help you." Akihito pulled put a piece of his shattered wolf mask and gave it to Asami "proof"

"Either you come with me or I'm not going at all." Asami said grabbing Akihitos shoulders amd squealing them.

"You have to, dont worry they won't kill me...but you o have no doubt they wouldn't. Just so you lnow I'm counting on you to come and get me. Yuri's room is in the left wing the last door, the holding cells are on the left in the basement; one of those two places is where I will most likely be."

They here the door crack and akihito shoved Asami into the passage, before they parted Asami pulled akihito towards him and smashed their lips together, in a smothering kiss. "I'll come back for you." He then let go and ran down the stairs of the underground passage.

Akihito closed the door and placed the mirror back in position. He leaned his forehead against the cool glass.

Right then the dresser was shoved away and the door broken apart. Akihitos whipped around as Michale stormed in; searching the room after only seeing akihito. Angry eyes flashed at him and with in second Michale had pinned him to the wall. "Where is he?!"

Akihito flashed defient eyes at him. Michale growled and threw him to the floor, and he left the room barking orders for his men to search the grounds and throw akihito in the dungeons. He was roughly hauled to his feet and pulled out of the room. They dragged him through the halls and down the stairs not giving him a chance to right himself as he often tripped and almost fell down the stairs. They only growled telling him to move faster and pulled at his arms.

When they reached his cell hands shoved him in causing him to stumble to the wall to catch himself. As they locked him in. "This will be your new home for a few day or at least till you talk." The men sneared and turned away.

Once their footsteps could no longer be heard akihito slumped to the ground and leaned his head back against the moldy stone walls. "Hurry Asami."

                     Sorry for the short chapter but I couldnt just put the hole climax in one chapter the book wouldn't be very good if I did that. Well just message me if I need to improve something or if you need something explained.

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