chapter 10

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Asami moved at dusk, a hundred of his best warriors, armed to the teeth. Prepared to do anything to rescue their captured comrade. Asami had broke the news to them about how shadow, Akihito, was actually a runaway geisha who had ran from the easy path given him and rebelled against his fate. Most were appalled, but the men who knew him and faught with him, laughed. They proudly stood and declared they did not care and would fight for him, for he had fought with them. The first to do was unsurprisingly the camps cook. Declaring loud and clear that he had guessed as much; because no warrior he had ever known has had such dainty hands. That had his men bellowing with laughter, standing to recoumt many teasing remarks, and feats of bravery they had seen the boy achieve. Within minutes the mens spirits were much lighter; Asami had to carefully pick between his men.
They were soon ready and marching towards the class castle.

"I want the city surrounded by moon rise, everyman is to be kept hidden till my signal. I will be taking a small group in at mid-night. Where we will blend in with the noble crowd, once we are inside I want everyone to be searching for him. He will either be in one of the towers or in tue cellars." Asami told his men, eyes cold with a heavy voice.

Kirishima and Suoh tilted their heads in acknowledgment, taking off on their horses; their regime's following close behind.

Asami coming


After Kou had left Akihito placed his bow and arrows against the one of the walls of the cell. Grabbing the knife he dropped to his knees by the cell bars, using the it like a saw to try and brake through the old-worn, rusted bars.

It isn't long before he slowly starts to dent into the bars when her heard keys shuffling. Akihito jumped away from the bars, quickly stuffing the knife in the sash of his kimono. He hid his bow in the darkest corner of the cell and hopefully keep it out of sight. Dashing to the opposite corner to wait. His heart hammering in his chest like a wood pecker frantically beating against the thick bark of a

He heard the heavy metal door squeal open, groaning under its own weight. Load thuds deseanding down the cement stairs, the silhouette of two figures appeared in the darkness, approaching his cell. They stopped about fifteen feet from akihitos cell, for a few heart racing moments they said nothing.

"Well, well, well...juat look at you know. You used to be our prized possession-a virgin ass was going to bring us such a pretty penny." The first voice spoke, it was gravelly like the mans voice box was being grated on gravel.

The second silhouette, smaller in frame, laughed a dark hollowing sound that shook his body. "Look at him, hahaha! Such a solm little BITCH, you are going to be oir little prize today. You see we are holding a little Ball here for your dear sweet little prince general, and at the end of the ball we are going to be bringing you out to give him the chance in claiming you as his wench!"

Akihito could feel the hope flood him all at once, if he wasn't already sitting he would have fallen to his knees in relief. But just as fast as it came a small fleck of bought shimmered in his chest. This was to good to be true, there had to be a catch, but where?


And there it was

"You see Michael is very cruel when it comes to happy endings. You see he HATES them! For his was taken from him and made him into a bitter soul...There was once a time when he too loved someone, Anne, her name was. She was a beautiful flowerist in his hometown, they had grown up together. Inseperable till their teenage years where they had started to grow and nurture feelings for each other. This soon grew into a relationship. But fate had another plan for them. The king met her one night when he was trying to woo his wife into intercourse with flowers. He instantly fell for her beauty. He tried to woo her into becoming his, but she only had eyes for Michael. So one night in a jealous rage the king took her from her house, only a few days before their wedding. He forced her to become his concubine. She didn't last the night. Refusal after refusal had driven him mad, before he raped and killed her. The only thing Michael ever got back was a bloody wedding band he had given her." The larger one of the two spoke, heavy and deep. After the heart wrenching words he no longer sounded so menacing as before.

"Why are you telling him such unnecessary thing? I thought we came down here to jave some fu-" the man was cut off by a hard punch to his stomach and a knee to the head, He collapsed to the ground.

Akihitos gaped, he had no idea what was going on. Who was this man and what was happening? Was he friend? Or foe? As akihitos ran his mind in circles the figure bent down and retrieved the keys from the unconscious mans belt. And finally stepped onto the light.

His hair was short cropped blonde, eyes a pale blue, and his skin was a healthy cream color. Akihito gasped as recognition hit him square in the chest as breath left his lungs.



I am so sad that Michale is the antagonist in this! He just fits the dark, mysterious and evil character SO WELL!!

I love those fic's where they have him as akihitos big brother, he is just so sweet and protective its adorable and I love him. This is the last and only time ill have him as my villain.

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