chapter 12

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Akihito had no idea for how long they had walked through the maze of tunnels.  All he knew was his feet were beginning to ache, and they were now heading upward. He had gotten more wary the longer the farther they went. The walls were no longer cement or dirt to be honest he didn't know what they were they were completely covered in wet moss.

Yuri had not uttered a single word for what felt like hours. Which he didn't know if he was thankful or if he should be afraid. He had followed this man for hours and he was done! Akihito stopped in his tracked (he might have slipped slightly on the wet floor) and seethed

"Yuri! Where are you taking me?!"

Yuri stopped as well took one backward glance at akihito and opened a door. Akihito started, he had not noticed the iron door in the dark tunnel. Yuri held it open for him and Akihito instinctively walked through it, all his training as a courtesan had made him do it. He jumped as the iron door slammed behind him and the lights flickered to life.And once again he hated himself for his naivety. 

As soon as his eyes adjusted he took in the room. The floor was carpeted in a deep blood red, there were dark cherry wood furnishings, a black fireplace on the eastern wall, on the southern wall was a black door and right in the middle of the room was a huge king sized canopy bed. And he knew they were still in the Glass Castle.

Akihito didnt wait for an explanation this time. He raced for the black door, he would barrel through it if he had to. But before he could reach it Yuri wrapped both his arms around him and threw him on the canopy bed.

"What are you doing? Why am I here?! You said you were helping me escape, you Asshole!!" Akihito seethed at yuri as he gathered himself and backed away.

A cruel smile slid its way across Yuri's face, "I never said any such thing, I only said I was getting you out of that cell and I did."

Yuri advanced on to the bed, Akibito crawled away from his increasingly imposing figure. His hand slipped off the bed and almost topped to the floor. Yuri used that moment of imbalance to pull Akihito back by the ankles and pin him to the bed and shoved his tie in around Akihito's mouth.

Yuri then leaned in and mouthed across his jaw, all the way to his ear where he licked up the lobe. Akihito whimped and Yuri shivered and whisped "don't worry you'll start to enjoy it soon..."

Akihito fought, he would not be concerned so easily. He bucked his hips trying to get his feet underneath him. Thrashed from side to side, anything to get Yuri off him. He thre his head up, it connected his Yuri's jaw making him bite his lip. Akihito would have celebrated his victory if not for the lethal glare Yuri now fixed on him. Small trickles of blood streacked a path down his chin.

"That was very unwise of you."

Yuri seethed before throwing Akihito up the bed and smalling Akihoto's head into the headboard. Yuri's sneer was the last thing he saw before the world went red then black.


Asami and his men had the whole city under siege. He had men in every street keeping th citizens indoors and away from the possible danger. As he, Kirishima, Suoh, and five other lieutenants from his battalion ready to storm Michael's keep.

While He, Kirishima, and Suoh searched for Akihito his men would evacuate the castle and free the slaves; all the while setting up explosives. They were set to go off as soon as Asami blew the  whistle around his neck. In which the frequency would instantly dedinate them.

They only had to wait for the surrounding city to be fully evacuated before they could move in. The wiat was killing Asami. He was quickly wearing a hole into the furs at his feet where he bounced his foot as he sharpened his blade. Sword Master and General were titles well earned for a reason. He was just finishing the tip when one of his messengers, Kou, rushed in.

He stood before Asami and strained with a solute "The town has been cleared Asami-sama."

Asami's face hardened he exeted the text to have his men ready and waiting. "Let's go."

He was again leading his men into battle but this time there was no plan B, failure was NOT an option; he would skin Micheal alive.

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