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The room erupts in whispers.

Mate! Mate! Hale jumps for joy and I can't help but chuckle.

Hale helps me forget what's going on in the real world when I need her the most, she comes through.

Suddenly the bell rings and all of the students rush out of the room to spread the gossip.

I am about to exit the room when a low growl interrupts me. I turn around and see him.

My mate.

It only takes a second to realize who he really is.

Derek Storm. Resident 'bad boy' and alpha of our rival pack, the warrior pack. The strongest pack known to wolf.

"Why do I smell another male's scent on you?" He asks in a scarily calm voice.

"It's my brother's-" I am interrupted by his loud roar and the sound of fabric tearing. I look down to find my sweatshirt split in two, a long gash in the middle. Derek looks furious.

"What the hell! That was expensive!" I yell at him. He ignores me as he takes off his own hoodie and thrusts it at me with a grunt.

"Wow, how nice of you" I scoff at him but oblige, removing the old hoodie and putting on his. "Happy?" He nods.

"CAMILA MARISOL ELENA ROBERTA ALVAREZ!" Antonio storms into the room, his face contorted with rage. Derek quickly sidesteps in front of me, blocking me from Antonio's wrath.

"Get the fuck away from my sister!" He says to Derek. I'm too shocked to say anything.

"Get the fuck away from my mate." Derek counters. Suddenly, Antonio's expression changes from rage to confusion, then back to rage again.

"Mate.....NO, YOU WILL NOT PUT MY SISTER IN DANGER!" He points an accusing finger a Derek.

"Please remind me who's pack is number one?" Derek points out.

"Even have no claim over her. She is part of my pack so unless-" before Antonio can finish, Derek spins me around so I face him. Then he does the unthinkable. Moving my hair off my neck, he opens his mouth so his canines are visible, and bites down on my neck. I scream. It hurts so bad and takes all my strength to not collapse right then and there.

He's marking me.

"Tonio!" I scream for my brother's help but he just stands there, looking helpless. Derek lets go of my neck and licks off the excess blood as I whimper. As much as it stings, the sparks made from our skin to skin contact helps dull it. "You-you m-marked me" I whisper.

"Now she is rightfully mine," he turns to Antonio, then back to me, "you have until 3:45 to pack your things" I gulp and nod.

Once he's gone I collapse on the ground and start sobbing. "Antonio" I cry. He pulls me into a tight embrace.

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