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 Check out my new book 175 days!!! Thx ***I wake up in our room, very sore might I add

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Check out my new book 175 days!!! Thx
I wake up in our room, very sore might I add. I roll over to see Derek staring at me.

"I told you" he smirks. I roll my eyes and run off to the shower. The warm water trickles down my back, bringing relief to my sore muscles. Suddenly, a warm hand lands on my shoulder, sending tingles throughout my body. I instantly shield myself as I turn around to see Derek, wearing only a smirk.

"Derek! Get out!" I try pushing his rock hard chest but he doesn't budge.

"No" he reaches behind me and grabs his shampoo, squirts some into his hand and puts it back, washing himself like it's not totally weird that I too am standing in the shower. "Come on, Mila, it's not like it's a new sight or anything." He sends me a wink. I sigh, accepting that I have to choose my battles, and shower as quickly as human-er-coyote-ly possible, which is pretty fast.
Oh boy.

Today is the day, I'm graduating. I sigh at my cap and gown clad reflection, let's do this.
I get up and walk across the stage, beaming so much it hurts my cheeks. Everyone claps for me. Nothing can beat this day.
I walk over to Derek, getting closer with every step, I reach out to hug him because my coyote was begging me but all I see is black. I stumble and fall back, the last thing I can hear is someone yelling my name.
I regain consciousness to find myself in a completely alien environment. I'm in a bed but it's not mine.

"Camila, oh thank god your up!" I hear someone's voice and look do the door to see who it was.


"Yea, the league took us because we're are coyotes, come on, they told me to bring you to them when you wake up." She says hurriedly, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the room.

"The league?" I question.

"They'll explain it all, come on" she drags me down the twists and turns of the foreign house.

"Here she is miss" Elena says to a regal looking woman. She mutters a quick thank you and Elena leaves before I can protest.

"Now miss Alvarez, I know you probably have a lot of questions and I'm here to answer them"

"I am frost, the leader of the league of the supernatural, a group of only the highly skilled and rare supernatural"

"Our mission is to gather the best of the best and regain control of the supernatural community"

"The werewolves think they are the only superior beings, they are not"

"We gather all the best and breed them in hopes of creating a community stronger than any other. We will fight wars and defend our title, and you my dear, are one of the rarest species, you are the she-wolf"

"What? I'm a coyote." What the hell was the she-wolf? Aren't those female werewolves?

"Yes that is true, but you are also the she-wolf, the reborn coyote, that is why you have a twin brother of a different species, your parents passed the she-wolf gene to you, making you, and all your female descendants she-wolves. Since the least she-wolf died without having a child it was given to the first female coyote born after the coyote massacre. Oh and the she-wolf is the strongest female, she leads all the others like a mother figure. Like a Luna but with more power."


"Camila!" My head snaps towards the cause of the noise. Derek.

He engulfs me in a hug and pulls back to check for any cuts or bruises, being more protective now that we are fully mated.

"Did they hurt you?" He asks, his brows furrowed.

"N-no" suddenly tears spring from my eyes, darn you mate bond.

Derek turns to frost.

"We're not joining your damned leauge, we have a fucking pack to lead" (ha ha that rhymes) Derek spits, I almost gasp at the vulgarity of his words.

"Derek!" I whisper, smacking his stomach. He ignores my reprimands.

"I don't think you understand, alpha, you should be honored, only one werewolf was accepted, and that is the best in the world, which happens to be you, so let someone else lead your pack for the time being."

*just listen to what she has to say* I mind-link him, he gives me a solemn nod, clenching his jaw and tightening his hold on me.

"Now, you will meet the rest of the pack and fight to determine if it is really worth keeping you in the league, let's go." She starts walking towards the door and I drag a reluctant Derek with me.

"Come on" I urge him, trying my best to convince him so I don't have to exert myself dragging him the whole way. Luckily he follows me.

"Oh and by the way," frost abruptly turns around making me almost run into her. "Congratulations on the coy-wolf pup on the way"

The what now?
Congrats to the people who actually know what a coy-wolf is hehehe. Yes, I actually read the whole Wikipedia page on coyotes and did real research, meaning I put some real effort into writing this.


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