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Hello! There will not be a sequel to Werecoyote but if you liked this book, you may like my other works (there's only one other lol).

Hello! There will not be a sequel to Werecoyote but if you liked this book, you may like my other works (there's only one other lol)

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"You're a defect" The King states, sounding disgusted. My wolf whimpers at her King's disapproval.

"No Alpha, I choose not to shift." The tension in the room increases tenfold. I am too nervous to look up, but after a few moments of silence, I decided to take my chances. The sweet environment making me much more peaceful than what was normal.

The moment my blue eyes met with the Alphas green ones, I felt it.

The mate bond audibly clicking.

Like a light switch.

"Matthews and Ryker você está desculpado" The Portuguese rolls off his tongue easily, like honey. I have no idea what he just said. The King signals to the guards, not breaking eye-contact with me. His eyes are cold which sends shivers down my spine.

"But-" One of the guards protests, I don't see, I can't look away from his eyes, it's like I'm trapped, paralyzed. I hear some shuffling behind me before eventually hearing their retreating footsteps. I'm still kneeling on the ground.

Once I hear the door slam The King gets up from his throne and takes intimidating steps towards me.

He has black, disheveled hair that is slightly wavy, a strand falls on his forehead but he makes no effort to move it. His sculpted face and green eyes bore into mine, breaking eye contact just for them to roam over my body, examining me. He halts, standing right in front of my kneeling figure. He has to be at least 6'3", well built, but not so muscular that it looks like he's on anabolic steroids.


Squatting in front of me, he roughly grabs my chin, sparks invade my body.

Ok, Not classy.

"Well well Well" his voice was cold, demeaning. My whole body stiffened. "My mate is a defect wolf" a smirk grows on his face making me nauseous. I hear my wolf whimpering. "Isso tem que ser uma piada" I knew he was picking fun at me.

"I have a wolf. I am not a defect" I grit through my teeth. I swear we discussed this like five seconds ago. He chuckles, shaking his head. This is the smallest I've ever felt in my life. This isn't what mates are supposed to be like. This isn't how he's supposed to make me feel.

We were supposed to be equals.

"A criminal" he inhales deeply, "And packless" his eyes hold disgust. "You were an Omega, I can smell it"

My heart clenches at the mention of my pack, the reason I don't shift. "Yes," I affirm. He nods as if he knew he was right and didn't need my confirmation.

"What is your name?" He questions, but it was more of an order. He was still holding my chin tightly, there's probably a bruise or red marks there by now.

"Cr-Cristine Lacey " I stutter, my calmness from earlier entirely dissolved, any that was even there at least. I wasn't acting like myself, I've never felt more fear in my life.

He hums in acknowledgment. I already knew his name, everyone did.

Alpha Sebastián, King of Werewolves. He was a notoriously cold and ruthless leader, he shows no mercy. Rumor is he used to be sweet, but his family was murdered right in front of him.

But I wasn't there, I wouldn't know.

"Well Cristine," he harshly lets go of my chin, I catch myself before falling completely backward. "I can't let my Queen be a rogue" my heart races, "But I also can't let her be completely free of her crimes" and then it stops. He really was merciless. "Stand" he orders in his Alpha voice, my body automatically obeys. He takes several steps towards me until we are face to face.

My hair was in a sloppy bun so my neck was fully exposed.

Easily accessible. Convenient. Great.

Brushing away the flyaways he leans in. I knew what he was doing.

It seems to take a million years for his lips to meet my neck, but only a few seconds for his teeth to sink in.

Then, everything goes black.

On my profile now!!

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