Nine-second chances

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Faster faster faster faster come on almost there

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Faster faster faster faster come on almost there....

I come to a screeching halt.

"Dang it, I almost beat you!" I pant beside the griffin named Marco. He chuckles.

"Almost. Looks light the mighty she-wolf needs to work on her skills more." He says, smirking. I hit his arm.

"Mine" someone growls from behind us. I turn around and find Derek.

"Don't worry, she's all yours dude" Marco says backing away with his hands up. I give him a pleading look but he leaves anyways.

"You're a douchebag you know that?" I ask him, agitated.

He just scoffs at me and walks away.

Okay then.
Everyday was the same, wake up, eat, train, sleep, repeat. I was super bored. I don't know how much longer I can go working on the exact same things.

"Camila?" I turn around to see Derek in the doorway.


"Pack up, we're leaving."

"What?" I say again. "Why?"

"Did you forget about our pack?" Right...

"I don't want to go back if you are gonna treat me horribly and lock me in a room there." I cross my arms.

He sighs and kneels down to my eye level.

"I promise, give me one more chance to be a good mate. I know that I've been horrible to you from the start and you don't deserve that. And I know I'm possessive but I can't help it. Do you have any idea what goes on in a male's mind when they see you. You are so stunning and beautiful and everyone can see that, except you. I know I don't deserve to have you as a mate because I'm a horrible person. I thank the moon goddess everyday because she gave me you. So I promise, if you give me another chance I will be the mate you always wanted, and if I don't do well, you can reject me and I'll accept it. You can find someone who deserves your love but just give me a chance to earn your love." His eyes plead with me.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek and Derek quickly wipes it away.

"Okay" I say, choking on my tears.

He pulls me into a tight hug.
Derek and I walk over to Frost to tell her we are returning to our pack.

"Why what brings you two here?" Frost asks.

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