Eight-The leauge of the supernatural

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Frost leads us into a large room with a mat, which I assume is for fighting, in the center

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Frost leads us into a large room with a mat, which I assume is for fighting, in the center.

"Welcome to our training grounds, here you will battle for your rank, if you don't live up to your name you will be replaced" she says as she pulls out a key ring with dozens of multicolored whistles attached to it. She blows one after another, but I don't hear anything. Soon, people come wandering into the room, rubbing their ears. The next one she blows is blue and it lets out a high pitched screech. I instantly go to cover my ears and cry out in pain. I still hear the ringing even when she moves on to the next whistle, a red one, making Derek react the same way I did when blown, but to me, it's silent.

"What the fuck was that?" Derek cries, angrily, clearly not as okay with her discipline tactics as I am.

"That, Alpha, is a whistle that only species of the designated species can hear, for example," She holds out the blue whistle again, "This is for werecoyotes" She blows the whistle, making me cry out in pain, again. "It's for calling all the members of the league over to a certain area, look, here they come!" She waver her hand to a door that now has dozens more people walking through it, rubbing their ears. "Hello species, please welcome our newest members, the she-wolf, and the strongest alpha in the world." She waves her arm, displaying us like a brand new T.V.! 

"Now step forward and introduce yourselves."

"Banshee" a girl steps forward.

"Kanima" another says


















Each species steps forwards saying their names. I've only heard of half of these in the bedtime stories my mother used to tell me, I always just thought they were myths.

"you will both fight each and everyone of these creatures to earn your titles. And yes, you can fight together." Frost tells us.

Oh dear. I give Derek a worried look while his mouth is in a thin line.

"let's begin! First, Banshee." The Banshee girl steps up. Luckily, I know her powers. As soon as Frost blows the whistle, I rush over to her, using my enhanced speed, and rip her vocal chords out, taking away her screaming ability. 

"coywolf team wins!" Frost announces. The Banshee hurries over to the Phoenix, who quickly heals her.

we verse the Kanima next. He quickly paralyses me, leaving derek to defeat him himself. Derek lets out a loud growl, causing the Kanima to cower in rear, leaving the ring. Apparently its owner is afraid of werewolves.  

Next, the Goldhorn. Now i have no idea what this one does. The person immediately shapeshifts into an antelope with golden horns. Derek claws at it causing three gashes to appear at its side, blood pouring out. I almost think we won but the blood turns into flowers. I tilt my head in confusion watching the Goldhorn eat the flowers and then get up, fully healed.

"Derek, get the horns!" I whisper to him. He nods his head and with one clean swipe, he rips its horns off, incapacitating it.

The matches continue, Derek and I going up against each and everyone of the creatures.

The Kelpie, a shapeshifting water spirit.

The selket, a scorpion like goddess of many things including fertility, nature, animals, medicine, and magic.

The vampire immortal bloodsucking creature you see in the T.V. shows.

The Onikuma, a demon bear.

The Alicanto, a bird with luminescent feathers.

The Chamrosh, a creature with the body of a dog and head and wings of a bird. Stupid right?

The Gamayun, a prophetic bird with a woman's head. Is it me or are these getting weirder?

The phoenix, a bird with regenerative powers, like the one in Harry Potter.

The Griffin, a bird that guards treasure. What even? That is so stupid.

The Hellhound, bringer in death. You may have seen in in those human shows, Supernatural and Teen Wolf.

The Unicorn, Which i'm pretty sure you know what it is.

The pegasus, a horse with wings..ya know.

The Tigris, giant lion of the forest.

The Sphinx, those things in egypt by the pyramids.

The Siren, whose song lures men to their deaths.

And the werehyena, which is pretty self explanatory.

"Congratulations team coywolf, you have earned yourselves your ranks, welcome to the league of the supernatural.


Yes, I got most of this info from wikepedia page, making me take three+ hours writing this, my whole entire morning stolen from me, boo hoo. well, hoped you enjoyed this little supernatural lesson!



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