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Who knew that color could mean so much, it was the first color my son wore, but thankfully not the last

And after my son, came my daughter.

Twins, who would've thought?

So I'm sitting here now, watching my two premature pups spend their days in two special cribs that have two special arm holes with gloves attached so I may be able to touch them through a layer of gloves.

"Hey you guys," I whisper to my little capsules. "You know, you may think it stinks being trapped in there all day but once you come out here, in the open, you'll cry, and cry, because you weren't ready for the world yet. But I guess maybe the world was ready for you, two of you!" I smile, wanting to touch their cheeks or even change get their diapers.

Odd right?

*its natural for Luna's to feel this way, their job is to pretty much be the mother of the pack* Hale reminds me, I smile at her in the back of my mind

"You know Derek, I mean Dad, wants to give you guys Gaelic names, isn't that funny? Who knew he was so passionate about his culture, or is it race? Or ethnicity...I'm not sure, I barely passed highschool" I lean in to whisper, "I think they just felt bad for me"

"I've already seen one of you as a full grown man, you had tattoos, and a mate, an Alpha, you called yourself Kian. I suppose that's what I should name you right? Kian, I like it, and it's Gaelic so I'm sure Derek will like it too." I turn to my girl.

"Now as for you, I'm not so sure" I picked up a book from out of my bag, it read "Gaelic baby names"

"Let's see, hm there's Aine? But I bet so many people will say it the wrong way" I sigh, flipping the pages.

"Is it bad that I didn't even know Derek was even the slightest bit Gaelic, does that make me a bad mate?" I ask, worried.

"To be fair, he never really talked about it" I gasped realizing something, "I never really found out what happened to his parents, how about instead of me asking, you guys could, who could say no to those faces?" I coo.

"Oh" I stop at a certain name in the book, "how does Kiera sound? Kian and Kiera, it sort of has a ring to it."

"Kian Antonio and Kiera Elena..." I frown at the memory of my sister.

"You guys would have loved tía Elena, she was funny, and loving, and smart, everything you could ask for and then some, she saved your lives, but she didnt save our lives for us to not fully live, we have to fix that part ourselves." I mutter the last part more to myself than the twins.

"It's ok, you guys will still have tía Camilla and tío Antonio." I think of my twin.

"I wonder if you guys will act like Antonio and I, I promise I won't hide your sister from you though."

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