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As promised, we hit 10k reads so this is the chapter.

Screw Derek

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Screw Derek. I can talk to whoever I want, he doesn't control who my friends are, it's my life! Lia was one of my only friends. Lia, Camilla, and Elena, that's all I have. And Elena doesn't even count because she's my sister. Speaking of my sister...

"Camila! Help!" I hear her cry out, my heart rate spikes as I run towards where I heard her voice.

"Elena!" I yell, coming to a screeching stop, finding her on the floor with school works cluttered around her.

"Jeez Elena you gave me a heart attack, don't do that again!" She was crying over a Algebra problem.

I'm so glad I graduated already.

"Ugh why do I have to be in summer school! Adding a nice word like summer in front of the word school won't make it any better, in fact it makes it worse!" She complains, snapping her pencil to pieces in her hand, reminding me of myself.

"Ugh I don't have time for this Elena" I groan dragging my hands over my face.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" She mutters, causing me to gasp.

"Language!" I grab my chancla [sandal] and throw it at her head she dodges it and glares at me.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" She yelps and starts digging through her backpack for something. "Found it!" She turns around, pulling her two middle fingers out of her backpack and holds them up to me.

I scoff.

"Who taught you that?" I raise an eyebrow, crossing both of my arms across my chest.

She shrugs in response.

Wait..."How old are you anyways?"

"No clue" she frowns, shrugging her shoulders. That's odd..

I look at her, clueless on how I hadn't thought about this before.

"Well what's up with you, you never answered my question" she changes the subject, breaking the dead silence.

"Derek is trying to forbid me from talking to Lia for some messed up reason. Just when we started to be equals he goes all alpha male on me again" I sigh.

He was so different before and when he told me to stay away from Lia, I saw the man who told me I was worth nothing to him the first day we met.

The man who marked me so he could get his way, keep me as a possession.

Now I'm carrying his child, his mark, his name, and half of his title, yet he still wants to control me.

I can't remember the last time I saw my twin brother, the sibling and pack bond has faded.

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