Five-family ties

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"ARGH" I groan, snapping the pencil I held in my hand to two

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"ARGH" I groan, snapping the pencil I held in my hand to two. Why is it that teachers think it's an amazing idea to teach new things when it's the end of the school year? Like really? My brain can't take anything more!

I slam my textbook closed in frustration, causing a few people around me to jump.

Everyone in the library just stares at me as I offer them a sheepish smile. I sink down in my seat, taking my books with me. Once I'm sure everyone has moved on, I slowly start packing up my things, wincing at the loud zip of my backpack. Removing the pencils and highlighters from my hair, I grab my things, walking out as silent as possible. I make my way to my locker, where Antonio stands, eating his mate's face off.

"Ahem" I cough, causing them to jump apart. Antonio smirks at me.

"You got a little something..." he licks his thumb, rubbing my cheek. I assume I got a bit of ink there and silently wait for him to finish. He removes his thumb off of my face and winces. "Oops"

I quickly pull out my mirror.

Oh dear god.

There is a long line of pen smudged across my face. It's some sort of messed up abstract art.

"Antonio!" I glare at him and he shrinks down as I repeatedly hit him with my textbook.

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry" he winces.

"You better be" I stop hitting him and shove my textbook back in my locker.

"Ton?" Carmen whispers, grabbing his hand and pulling him away.

"Right...uh bye Camila" he quickly runs off, leaving me a sputtering mess.

"Wha-" that was odd. I quickly brush it off, if it was something important he would tell me. He tells me everything.

Maybe he's just really stressed about finals, like me. My head ached from all the information my brain so so fruitlessly trying to absorb.

If only I could get this done faster...I promised myself I would not use my coyote abilities unless needed, but now I'm really considering it. I mean everyone already knows about me after all...ah fuck it.

Still standing by my locker, I pull out the textbook I recently put away, and read the whole thing. In a gust of wind and a quick second, I'm done. Yep. Coyote speed. Don't ask me why I have it because I really don't know. I discovered it one day...

"CAMILA RUN!" My parents yell, grabbing everything they can.

"Alpha, Luna, they're coming, and fast" the beta says. My mother and father nod in acknowledgment.

"Mama, what's happening?" I cry, reaching out my arms, hoping that she would pick me up. She looks back at me, shedding a tear.

"Listen amor, mama y papa have to help other people now. You are not the only ones we take care of. Remember, whatever happens, we love you. If I'm not back, you will have to take care of these people instead of me. Your brother will be with you. Promise to remember that you are not alone, you are not the only one." Her eyes are flooded with tears.

"But mama-"

"Run Mila! Run!" And with that, I ran off, faster than any werewolf had ever before.

I shake the memory off. I didn't need to be thinking about the night my parents died now.

Hitching my backpack over my shoulder, I head home...or the place closest to it.
You are not alone, you are not the only one

Those words kept repeating themselves over and over again, nagging me. I'd never put much thought into it but now, something about it seemed odd.

Deciding I needed to clear my head, I walk over to a spot my mama used to take me to all the time. She called it the Canis Latrans land, whatever that meant.

I neared a clearing, the trees had leaves that would always stay the same amber color as they would in fall. The trees surrounded a stream with pure, cold water, the purest I had seen in any stream before. The sun shone down on that very spot, making everything have a heavenly glow.

I breathe in the crisp air, but my nose catches something unfamiliar, someone unfamiliar. Sensing danger, I set my backpack down by a nearby tree and shift into my coyote.

Hale, do you smell that? I ask my coyote.

It's another coyote! Hale yips in excitement.

That's not possible. I tell her, trying to convince myself more than her. She sighs and retreats to the far end of my mind.

I tentatively take steps towards the stream until I can strongly smell the scent.

And sure enough, it's a coyote.

Unsure, I growl, going into fighting stance. The coyote hears me and snaps her head in my direction. It quickly goes behind a tree, leaving me alone.

In second it come back out, or she comes back out. I quickly shift back and pull some clothes on.

"Who are you?" I question the coyote.

"Who are you?" She questions back, snarling.

"My mother used to take me here, it was her spot" I snap, returning the snarl. Her face morphs from anger, to confusion.

"What? My mother used to take me here"

"That's impossible." Right? "What's your name?" I repeat.

"Elena Alvarez" my heart stops. "Who are you?"

"Camila Alvarez...who was your mother?" Please don't say Marisol, please don't say Marisol...

"Marisol Alvarez, here, this is what she looks like, she's gone missing" Elena pulls a worn picture from her back pocket and sure enough, it's my mother.

"That's my mother....we have the same mother..." my breathing becomes ragged.

"What?" She cocks an eyebrow at me, "well do you know where she is?"

"She's dead" I snap. She suddenly falls to the ground, crying. "This means..."

"We're sisters" she chokes out. Quickly composing herself, she stands up to my level.

"We're the only coyotes left..." I try to work through my thoughts. She nods her head slowly, blue eyes glowing. "Mama, she said that I was not alone, this is what she meant"
She stares at me. " don't know what to say..."

"Please help me," she whispers, "I don't have a home, I've grown up in my coyote form so I don't know what the human world is like"

Even though I just met her, I feel the need to do whatever I can to help her.

"Of course," I say, "welcome to the pack Elena, follow me"

You are not alone, you are not the only one....

I am not alone.

Whaaaaaat? A sister? *gasp* I was planning on doing a cliffhanger but I didn't have enough words...all I have to say is your welcome.

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