Chapter 3 ~ The Next Day

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Sqaishey's POV
I checked my phone and saw it was 8:02 am. I also had a Skype notification from Stampy. It read, 'Hey I really enjoyed yesterday, really looking forward to next time'
I also had a missed video call so I decided I would go and make some tea (of course) and have some breakfast, then call Stampy back. And I did just that. Within half an hour, we were in a call again.
"Hey. I really really enjoyed playing minecraft with you yesterday" said Stampy, sounding a little nervous.
"Same! I know we only just met, but would you like to do a series on my channel? You don't have to though" I asked. He took me up on the offer, so we spent a few hours planning what we were going to do, and then we started recording the first episode. I did my usual intro, and then introduced Stampy.

We finished recording and Stampy smiled at me. He had obviously, genuinely enjoyed it.

After that, we continued to play. I looked at the clock above my desk and saw it was 2:00 pm. I wondered why I was so hungry.
"Hey Stamps" I said.
"Yeah?" He replied.
"I'm hungry, so I'm going to go and get some food. Can I call you back in half an hour?"
"Yeah sure Sqaish. See ya then!"

Stampy's POV
"Im hungry, so I'm going to go and get some food. Can I call you back in half an hour?" Sqaishey asked.
"Yeah sure Sqaish. See ya then!" I said. Then I hung up and sighed. She's so cute. I went and got some food aswell. I hadn't enjoyed a day this much before. I loved spending the last two days calling Sqaishey, and couldn't wait for her to call back. I went back to my office, and waited for Sqaishey to call. In a few minutes, Sqaishey called me again.
'Hey! Sorry I took so long.' Sqaishey apologised.
'No problem, I have only been back in my office a few minutes anyway.' I replied.
We continued to play, and Sqaishey started a new series on my channel called Sky Den. Sqaishey had a disastrous start, and died. Then Sqaishey had to go out somewhere. So we ended the call.
"I really enjoyed playing today Sqaish"
"Me too Stamps, me too"

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