Chapter 13 ~ Mysteries To Be Solved

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Stampy's POV

I was happy to know that Sqaishey was going to try and stop cutting. I went downstairs and decided to clean out the room that we had kept Joe in. Remove all traces of him. I was picking things up from the floor when I found an uncreased piece of paper. It read:
'Hello there! You think I am gone for good? Well I'm coming back for you. Both of you. Hahaha! Enjoy life. While you have it!
Wait. What did it mean? Hold on. I recognise that name! SqaishHunter123! They were on minecraft with me and Sqaish first spoke months and months ago! Sqaishey said she didn't trust him! Did she know who he was or was she oblivious of the fact that SqaishHunter123 was Joe? I decided I would ask her in the morning. I went to bed thinking about what that note meant.

Sqaishey's POV

I woke up to Stampy knocking on my door.
'Come in Stamps!' I shouted, just waking up.
'Sqaish! Did you know that Joe was SqaishHunter123? That player from when we first played minecraft together' Stampy asked, while handing me a piece of paper.
'No I didn't know who he was. Oh my gosh he says he's coming back for us!' I panicked.

Ooooohhh what's gonna happen? (Obviously I know) Baiii!

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