Chapter 4 ~ The Months Pass

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Sqaishey's POV
Every day for the next couple of months, I would wake up and Skype Stampy. We would usually just play minecraft and record together, but on a rare occasion, we would just sit and talk. One day, we decided to play minecraft console version. Stampy sent me an invite to join his lovely world.
"Hey Sqaish?" Stampy said.
"Yeah Stamps?" I said, wondering what he was gonna say.
"Do you wanna be in a lovely world video?"
"Umm... Yeah! Of course Stamps!" I replied. I was so excited. I had watched Stampy for a long time, and had always dreamt to be in a lovely world video, and now I would be!

Stampy's POV
I asked Sqaishey if she wanted to be in a lovely world video. She said yes and looked super excited. I was glad I could make her happy, by doing the smallest things. The smallest things are sometimes the biggest things.
"Helloooo! This is Stampy, and welcome to a minecraft lets play video! And another video inside of Stampy's lovely world!"

~Time skip to end of video~

"But that is gonna be the end of this episode here, and there will be a link to the next episode in the description down below, but for now I'd like to thank you all very much for watching and I will see you all later! Byeeeeee!"
We finished recording, and I saw a massive smile on Sqaishey's face.
"Did you enjoy that Sqaish?"
"Yes thank you so much Stamps!" Sqaishey said.
"Sqaishey. I have been thinking recently. We have been Skyping every day for just over 3 months now, and we still haven't met in person yet." I said.
"Yes Stamps, go on." Sqaishey encouraged, guessing what he was going to say.
"Well," I started "I think it's time we actually met in real life. What do you think?"
"Yes I really want to meet you Stampy! Oh I gotta go bye Stamps!"

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