Chapter 7 ~ The Explanation

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Sqaishey's POV

Stampy came and knocked on my door.
'Can I come in Sqaish?' He asked from outside my door.
'Yeah sure' I replied. Stampy opened my door and came and sat on the edge of the bed next to me. I moved across so he could sit properly on the bed.
'So. What happened between you and Joe?' Stampy asked. I sighed.
'Well' I said, 'He was in my high school with me, and his mum was my music teacher. I have always wanted to do music, and I had a crush on him. So it was win win. I could get a boyfriend, and a chance with music. At first, he was lovely, bringing me flowers and buying me presents. He treated me to lovely things. But one day, something changed. We came home from our date, and he pushed me into my house and shoved me up against a wall'. I cried at the thought of what he did.
'Go on Sqaish, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm here for you whatever happens' Stampy said.
I continued. 'He hit me. He punched me. He did this after every date. It got worse. It got to the point where he was breaking bones. He would make me behave however he wanted and do whatever he wanted. I had to look happy, but in fact, I was dying inside. After he left me after beating me, I would go into my bathroom and shower watching the water turn red, then pink, then to normal water. I would get out of the shower, and wrap myself in bandages then cry myself to sleep.'

Stampy's POV

Sqaishey told me what Joe did to her. My mouth hung open in shock. Sqaishey was crying her eyes out. Suddenly, I heard someone shout. I think it was Joe. He was angry. Very angry...

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